Pat Robertson Jumps the Shark… Again

We're probably used to the gay-marriage and pedophilia/bestiality comparisons by now, but every time I hear it I'm still dumbfounded. In fact, I don't understand how some people think it makes any sense whatsoever. I guess gays will get married, then decide to have sex with dogs and children?

Check out this clip of Pat Robertson making those comparisons when talking about New Hampshire's gay-marriage bill. I think he stopped trying to make reasonable arguments at this point…

– Andy

9 thoughts on “Pat Robertson Jumps the Shark… Again

  1. But… but… many of the so called ‘chosen’ people such as Abraham had multiple wives! They even had children outside of ‘wedlock’ on gods say so!!

  2. The Bible is clear on its zero-tolerance for our homosexual lifestyles. The Bible is not up for anyones interpretation it says what it says. Just because you dont believe what it says doesnt make it un-true. One day “every knee will bow and every tongue confess”.

  3. screw the bible. it’s just a collection of allagories & skewed history at best. at worst it’s been the single greatest cause of hate & intolerance ever conceived.

  4. It is not up for your/our interpretation it says what it says. Period. Again just because we gays dont want to believe the Bible does not make it un-true.

  5. so Ron, you must not eat shell fish, lie, or mix fabrics right? that’s all in the bible 2
    Deut. 22:11
    “You shall not wear a material mixed of wool and linen together.
    Anyway, this isn’t about the bible its about Robertson making ridiculous comparisons that def. AREN’T in the Bible.

  6. If you truly believe that dusty old bunch of scrolls, why do you even call yourself homosexual? Aren’t you an abomination and therefore should be stoned to death? Sorry, that’s how IT MUST BE. It’s in the bible. Someone wrote something down & claimed they were inspired by a never seen entity. It must be true. Pat Robertson needs to go lay down somewhere, and so do the rest of the sheep who bleet everytime their sheppard calls for them.

  7. By the same token, just because you want to believe it doesn’t make it true. Regardless, it has no place in law.

  8. Shut up Dave, you are not helping by insulting religion.
    YaBird has the most pertinent point. The Bible may or may not be the word of God, but even allowing for centuries of human error, dude gave those instructions to ancient humanity and some of them are clearly outdated. Probably didn’t figure we would be so stupid as to pick and choose things to take literally long after their practicality had gone. Or if God is Love, perhaps the corruption of scripture to justify hate is a temptation by Satan? An excuse to give in to our baser instincts when we should rise above.

  9. To me believing in any kind of religion makes as much sense as thinking Santa really leaves you presents under the tree every Xmas.
    They call perfectly healthy gay and lesbians who just want to marry and have equal right “mentally ill,” well people who believe a man parting the sea to wander the desert for 40 years, a man who built an ark to survive a flood, and a virgin woman who gave birth to a man who multiplies fish and converts water in wine are all real historical facts sound very delusional to me, and delusional disorder is an actual mental illness in the DSM. And it not only Christians, I think every religion is based in fantasy and ignorance.
    If you are kinda in between I recommend you read “God is not great: how religion poisons everything” by Christopher Hitchens.

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