Pastor Steve Anderson Doubles Down In Signorile Interview

The controversial Pastor Steve Anderson has come under fire for wishing death upon President Obama, gay people and basically anyone he doesn't like. Now he's going even further in an interview with Michelangelo Signorile, saying he wouldn't call someone who assassinates Obama a murderer.

He seems to think such a person would be a justified vigilante. Can the secret service arrest this guy already?! On top of that he wishes brain cancer on Obama, gay and lesbian people and Signorile himself! It'd almost be entertaining if it weren't so scary!

You can read more and listen to the whole interview at Signorile's blog. But the excerpt above is outrageous enough so take a listen.

– Andy

5 thoughts on “Pastor Steve Anderson Doubles Down In Signorile Interview

  1. In some contries he’d be put to death. All these people who spout off about things should be thankful they live in a country where they can spout such ignorant shit and not be punished.
    Also why waste your show doing an interview with someone like that? Like your actually curious about why they have such thoughts?

  2. He’s a pastor? Joy to the world. Do these people even read the bible anymore… and if they do I wanna see what version. Ugh.

  3. Haha someone should bombard that email with tons and tons of the most hardcore gay porn imaginable. haha. Do they know that statistically most child molestors identify as heterosexual? what is with that thinking gays are child molestors? Do they know what molestation actually is? I think they assume that because child molestors are usually male, and it involves children (boys and girls), but because he is molesting a boy he is gay. If he were molesting a girl, would it be ok? the thing is men molest children every day and it has nothing to do with sex, it has to do with power, just like rape.

  4. I commend him on his proffessionalism. I am a fairly calm person with many years in customer service dealing with absolutely insane customers and I would still be hard pressed to end that without saying atleast one thing back to him. Congratulations to him. As for pastor Steve, well he’s an inhuman waste of skin who preaches filth and hatred. He’ll get his, just like everybody else.

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