On The Hunt: Cort & Tyler

There comes a point in every bisexual bottom’s life when he has to fuck another man. After getting his ass thoroughly plowed by Roman and Blaze, Manhunt Daily crush-object Cort experienced this moment for the first time. In his latest scene for OnTheHunt, this tall jock gets his “topping cherry” popped by Tyler.

It won’t take you very long to figure out that Tyler’s an excellent bottom. This boy’s extremely hungry for cock, and he knows how to take it! These two swap blowjobs on the back deck, then Cort plants his tongue deep into his partner’s eager hole. Before you know it, Tyler’s bouncing up and down on Cort’s hard dick while shooting right into his mouth. You definitely don’t want to miss out on this one…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: OnTheHunt

To check out Cort and Tyler in action, follow the JUMP:

If the video above doesn’t work, watch a free preview over here.

48 thoughts on “On The Hunt: Cort & Tyler

  1. another twink with his ribs showing getting plowed lol and this is BI? Wonder which is the woman in that relationship lol

  2. I think I’m stating the blatantly obvious here, but being out-bottomed doesn’t make one a ‘top’ LOL

  3. You’re gonna lose so many users with this crap you guys are pulling, there are lots of other websites for free with MORE registered users. I for one I’m leaving manhunt for good

  4. LAME….your headlines are more interesting that your actual content. I won’t be renewing, I can keep a freebie account.

  5. Total fucking crap….they are fucking. So desperate they put this lame ass bullshit up…I wouldn’t. Fuck either one of these meth whores..(have it from first hand knowledge they feed these dudes drugs to do this shit)

  6. So let me get this straight. You are going to cancel your Manhunt membership because you don’t like this video??? What idiots!!!! Get a FUCKING LIFE!!!!!

  7. They’re both cute, masculine, feminine, top, or bottom. People with “types” confuse me. Men are men.

  8. Why are you people being so nasty? If you don’t like the guys don’t make comments. Also, for the meth comment, if they were on meth, how do they keep it up? I did porn for a few years and no one shoved drugs down my nose. Your first hand info is crap. This isn’t 1970 anymore. Grow up and get over it.

  9. I think the scariest thing is that kid’s clown underwear. I mean, seriously – how many kindergartners did he have to mug before he found a pair that fit?

  10. Wtf your a total fucking idiot….I do have first hand knowledge loser…and if you we’re a porn star..which I doubt…you were around drugs…its part of the life…..I have friends w o were conned into doing this shit numbnuts…..as for how do they keep it up…crawl out your hole dip shit..one solution is viagra..oh but you would know that huh, PORN STAR? LMAO

  11. I think the bottom is kind of hot, not so big on the top.

    People complaining that either of these guys are too thin are probably on the wrong side of 200 pounds themselves.

  12. Dewit If U think the !st DICK Cort had up his ass was 4 OTH than I have a bridge that I want 2 sell U … Cort’s ass took 2 dick like a fish 2 water !!!

  13. KK, your illiteracy speaks volumes. I said I did porn, I never said I was a star at it, but I got paid more in an hour than you will in a month. I doubt you know anyone who did porn. Hustlers that you had to pay for sex don’t count. 😉

  14. Well said WTF – geez guys what is this, aggro Thursday or just that time of the month for some of you? Cancelling memberships, calling porn stars meth whores – way too much bitterness. The sun’s out in Sydney so I’m heading on to my patio to soak up some spring time rays and I suggest that some of you take a chill pill.

  15. I’ll be one of the few who’ll say Cort, the top in this vid is a cutie. I’d play with him anytime.

  16. I was thinking about submitting an application for On The Hunt, but the viewers are always so catty. I’m not about to fuck on camera and have a bunch of bitter nasty queens insult me for no reason. We’re far meaner to each other than the straight community could ever be.

  17. Thank you Rob, you said it before I could. Let them go, good riddance. Take your bitchy,prima donna man-ginas somewhere else! Sun’s out up here today also,the smokehouse is full of salmon, halibut for dinner, cold beer in the hand…ahhh life IS good! 🙂
    John N, no SOME are far meaner to each other, not the majority.

  18. @Limpdick if you think these “twinks” are too skinny, than you definitely need to be losing some weight. Calling other people skinny isn’t going to make you any less fat, just makes you look like a fool!

  19. Is’nt there enough agro and hate in the world without it being expressed on this site. I thought gay people were out to save the world and be nice to each other, love, love love. Gees guys stop the crap and be nice to each other at least.

  20. Just because someone finds another person “too skinny” doesn’t mean that the person saying that is fat…get a clue. Not everyone finds someone’s ribcage poking thru their skin attractive. Half the comments listed here sound as if they’re from bichy pissy queens, so unhappy with themselves they want to lash out at everyone else. Time for you immature boys to grow up and be men.

  21. John N, truer words were never spoken. I’m totally over the bitterness and sheer cattiness that exists on this website. If you don’t like it, don’t fucking look. It’s that simple. Your browser has a close button for a reason.
    As for being too skinny… His ribs are showing, big deal. He’s also got quite a bit of tone on him. Seriously, the comments on some of these posts like “he needs to eat something” and whatnot are just appalling, and they make one seriously jump to conclusions about the poster’s weight and ideals, a bit of jealousy methinks.
    Get the fuck along, and stop your bitching, because nobody likes people with attitude problems.
    Maybe the world looks different from down here in Australia, I dunno.

    Oh and the guys in this video are both totally fuckable, I wouldn’t kick either of them out of bed if it came to it. You all need to lighten the fuck up.

  22. plentyoffish is the way to go i only go on manhunt daily now i never use my account on manhunt

  23. BorderlineAlcoholicSpaceCadet you don’t seem borderline to me, full bore more like!

    These two guys are not nearly attractive enough … there are hundreds maybe thousands of better looking guys willing to do porn, so why did the production team pick these two for F**KS sake?

  24. @db
    Or maybe I’m just grateful for what is given to me for free without becoming a total asshole about it.
    There’s a LOT of content on this blog that I wouldn’t go out of my way to find, but funnily enough, I scroll past it. I don’t feel the need to stop and make harsh judgements and be a cunt.
    You think you can do a better job? Go start your own fucking blog.
    The users of this site don’t have a right to the content, the people in charge just share what THEY like in the hopes that people share that view. Not every post is like this, and not everyone is going to like every post.
    Like I said, lighten the fuck up, and stop whinging.

  25. Agree with Alaskaman and Rob here in Sydney. Chill out guys, no one forced you all to be on manhunt.
    Hey alaskaman, visited your great country a few weeks back… great country along with canada and real gunuine people.

  26. Disclaimer#
    If you do not want to read a negative comment.. DO NOT READ THIS
    we all are aware that no one has been forced or coerced into watching or joining anything to do with man hunt and its related sites/// however , perhaps we saw the opportunity to to post a comment as a platform to express our opinions.. is there a law that all comments should be restrictively positive ?
    the pay for parts of man hunt have become increasingly pathetic recently…and the creators of the site should be reminded that there are a plethora of free sites with ten million times better things on…and yes I shall go there instead…

  27. When it comes down to it, neither of these guys are attractive. I do not understand how On-The-Hunt picks their men because it seems they have been becoming less attractive with time. I agree that I can easily find better pornography on the free sites. These two fellows are not very attractive and there is no credibility to the who the “bisexual” or “breaking cherry” aspects.

    Steven Daigle & Angelo were much hotter. On-The-Hunt should have recruited me when they had the chance! Ha!

  28. Wow. As for the blog comments, get a life. As for Manhunt, after trying the free sites, and getting railroaded with drug messes, no-shows, and endless emailers, I came back to mh because the people who pay are more serious and usually result in better, realer hook ups. I just wish there was a way to sort the paid guys from the free guys.

  29. lol/ lots of angry comments for some reason.

    Manhunt is great. New implementations are great.

    Manhunt daily is good. Always something interesting to read.

    On the hunt sucks, but oh well, they are new to the business.

    no need to be so angry though…

  30. I love reading the comments on here. 😀 It’s like a train wreck or a car accident, horrible but you can’t look away. 🙂

    On the hunt does suck though. It’s nothing but overrated porn stars and boring sex. There’ve been a couple updates that were hot, but nothing in comparison to a really hot site like Seancody.

  31. i think that porn needs to find another new exciting thing the “str8” boi having sex with gay guys is OLD because they r not str8 when u see them on everyother site out there having sex they r not str8 lol

  32. EVERYONEONMANHUNTISUGLY LOL I do NOT need to lose wght but Dewitts bias towards these “men” with ribs showing screams EAT FOOD ! lol Supposedly he never bottomed, COME ON ! lol that Mary wearing little boys underwear gives me a limp dick. I have to wonder if his “girlfriend” has a dick too!

  33. His ribs do NOT scream eat food. Some people are naturally made that way. My mother eats like there will never be a next meal, yet she has never weighed over 115 lbs. It’s called METABOLISM!! Read up on it. I get so sick of the “Eat a sandwich” comments. Or on the opposite end, “lose weight”. Sheesh! I swear, Homosexual men just can NOT be pleased! I dare say that if all of the “rights” that they are asking for were granted, homosexuals would STILL find something to gripe about! Unhappy: YES! That is what homosexuals are! Not all of them, but most of the ones on here.

  34. I don’t know why I liked these pics better than some of the others, probably because both guys look like normal men, not all muscle bound and plastic looking. The bottom guy has a great body and sweet cock, top has a cute face and a decent body. I guess they are normal looking guys and that is HOT.

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