Neil Patrick Harris Tops AfterElton’s Hot 100

Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris has topped AfterElton's 2009 Hot 100. But in case you were wondering, he's versatile.

Though I love a little NPH, I'm surprised that he managed to dominate over two-time winner Jake Gyllenhaal. I suppose it would have helped if this picture of Jakey's abs in Prince of Persia leaked sooner.

Not so surprisingly, Harris also took the number one spot on the site's Hot 100: Out Gay Men, while Taye Diggs received top-ranking on the Hot 100: Men of Color. And I'd tell you whose number one on the Hot 100: Men Over 40, but who cares about old guys? Just kidding! The link isn't working at the moment.

UPDATE: AfterElton has fixed the problem, and the number one spot of their Hot 100: Men Over 40 is occupied by Brad Pitt. All you boys who list on MANHUNT that you're only looking for men under 26 might need to reconsider. Would you really turn down Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman or Johnny Depp?

– Dewitt

5 thoughts on “Neil Patrick Harris Tops AfterElton’s Hot 100

  1. Dewitt, you’re a prick 🙂 . . . I know lots of hot guys 40 or older . . . and a few would say I’m one of them too 😉
    BTW the link worked just fine :-p

  2. eh, i’ve done some guys 40 and older… and i wouldn’t really put many of them on a top 40 list… mostly cause i don’t think i’ve done 40 yet… >.>
    only one kinda impressed me, typically they weren’t that easy on the eyes though, though most were tolerable in terms of cuddle objectifying so it was fine for the most part.

  3. Don’t get me wrong, I think NPH is cute, but he’s 35 and in several of his non-photoshopped pictures, he looks about 45. I’m not an agist, but I would have chosen someone who looks a little closer to their age.

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