That smile, that ass, plus also he’s a gymnast. Whut.
Good morning! This actually came in last night, but it wasn’t gonna be live until this morning, so I waited to post it, which was tough, because Houston is riiiddiiiiiiculously cute (seriously, his big, dumb smile will make your underwear fall off) and is doing all kinda flips and shit in his interview for Sean Cody. Before he gets that thick dick out to show off, that is:
Let me just say, I LOVE how vocal this guy is. I love it. So many of these solo dudes are like jack off ninjas, and stay completely silent (the ‘straighter’ they are, the more silently they jack off – it’s amazing) the whole time. Which is fine if you’re gonna be unfathomably hot or something or you’re gonna jizz for a solid minute and blow everybody away with your massive load. But Houston knows how to play a solo – he’s into it, sincere, and his body is just anatomical perfection. There’s actually nothing at all about this guy that I would change:
Except mabye more flips during the jacking off. Or at least be naked and flip around. I don’t know why on earth I would find that amusing, but I most definitely would.
You can watch Houston spill his load here. And you really should. He needs to come back for more. This “you never know...” shit is teasing.
– tyler
He’s also openly gay, so the boyfriend material trifecta
Sexy guy and a great smile too
This dude is hung like a horse!