Michael Phelps Loses Sponsorship and Suspended

Michael Phelps Bong

Michael Phelps is feeling the aftermath for his decision to smoke a bong (and letting someone take a picture). Kelloggs, one of Michael's big sponsors has released a statement stating that they will end their contract with Michael after the end of this month.

"We originally built the relationship with Michael, as well as the other Olympic athletes, to support our association with the U.S. Olympic team. Michael's most recent behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg. His contract expires at the end of February and we have made a decision not to extend his contract."

Not only did Michael lose Kelloggs as a sponsor, he was also suspended from competitions for 3 months. Ouch! Well I hope Michael learned his lesson.

– Andy

4 thoughts on “Michael Phelps Loses Sponsorship and Suspended

  1. Learned his lesson for what? Marijuana is illegal for ridiculous reasons, anyone with a brain and you can think for themselves will tell you that. Alcohol has been linked to 75,000 deaths a year in America alone. Not one person has ever died from marijuana use alone. The only reason alcohol is legal is because of the lobbyists. Money speaks. But you would think Marijuana truly being America’s #1 cash crop, someone would have woke up and realized the potential to exploit it by now…

  2. I say leave him alone! who the hell among us hasn’t puffed a joint or took a bong hit! He didn’t choose to be looked up to. He’s human just like the rest of those kids who would’ve made mistakes when they grow up! Ewww! you hit a joint! Let’s ruin his life forever! Get off the soap box and let the kid be! He won your county 8 gold medals for christ sake! Let him blow off some steam, and hit the bong again Mike! I’m still a fan and admirer! Pose in some gay magazine for us and show us your huge member! LOL!

  3. i agree, i don’t think its a big deal or that he has to learn any lesson. Mary Jane is only illegal because of the power grubbers in the oil industry who saw hemp as a threat, this is a FACT, it’s not because of the drug’s effects, which everyone knows to be much less harmful than tobacoo or alcohol, both of which are legal and thriving (not to mention giving the govt millions of tax dollars). Phelps should become a spokesperson for marijuana! HAHA.
    Also, I hear Kellogs is getting negative feeedback about the decision, the peole are WAY ahead of the politicians/business people when it comes to pot. 11 states now decriminalized by popular vote…

  4. I drink beer. Since Kellogg’s is so worried about their image, I doubt they would want to accept money from someone that imbibes alcoholic beverages, so I let them know I would no longer be purchasing any Kellogg’s products. I wouldn’t want to make them a hypocrite. Only people who live up to their definition of perfection should be allowed to purchase their products, and I doubt being a gay beer-drinker would even come close. Guess I’ll have to buy healthy cereal now, huh?

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