Michael Gstoettner: Top Model With A Top Body

We’re not sure how to pronounce his last name, but it matters very little seeing as how he’s a gorgeous male model in his underwear. Michael Gstoettner has one of those seriously striking profiles. He looks like he should be the guy the wife is cheating on her husband with in some sultry foreign film. Subtitles and cock shots, I can see it now!

– J. Harvey

Photo credit: Sam Scott Schiavo

To check out a video from this photoshoot, go here.

For more pics of Michael, Follow the JUMP:

57 thoughts on “Michael Gstoettner: Top Model With A Top Body

  1. his body isnt bad…seen alot better on here though…that face not keen on. nice eyes…the hair ehh. but hes not all bad…i guess…

  2. definately NOT hot in my eyes. I like MEN, with Hair..whats up with the shaved pits> i mean really..

  3. I agree with homegrown84 he has strong feature unlike the TROLL image that Helen DORKowicz is giving off !!!

  4. Woah… some people need to stop drinking so much Haterade. (sure, have your opinion; but don’t go over board)

    He’s so not ugly.

  5. He reminds me of the guy from the video for Call me when you’re sober. I don’t know why, but when I look at him he reminds me of a wolf. Maybe it’s the hair or eyes, but he’s gorgeous. 🙂

  6. listen guys, if youre defending him saying “he isnt all that bad” first of all remember you are judged on what your taste is… can you really not think of much hotter people than this?? REALLY?
    And secondly as for me being blunt about him, if you put yourself out there as a porn whore to be judged solely on your physicality then dont be surprised when it bites you in the ass… Stephen Hawking is amazing and people who have intrinsic value outstrip the hottest bimbo in the world a million times over, but when you are nothing but a brainless piece of meat, you better be amazingly hot or else frankly you are worthless. And this guy is WORTHLESS

  7. u queens know that if he came into your living room, that you would do him right there…….

  8. i have a mirror so i can see someone much hotter all the time, and i can watch me and my bf and all the hot guys we fuck rather than looking at that mediocrity

  9. Helen listen here love! i bet you are some vile little tramp sitting in a corner of a dark room on the computer who is 20 times uglier so shut up and stop being so vile!!!!!
    Btw this guy is cute

  10. lets just put a final full stop on this… the guy is nowhere near attractive enough to be pinning his hopes on making a living from his looks… and if you would contemplate a wank about him it says a lot that you have to restrict your fantasies to someone of your own level rather than fantasizing about attractive people.

  11. and i didnt even resort to the random “Scrabble bag” spelling of his surname to put him back in his little rubbish pointless box!

  12. No kidding about the hateful comments some guys are making, sad.

    As for Michael G., I can see why he would be snatched-up as a model…very strong and unique facial features, and a slim build.

  13. Very European, I like his look. Looks can only take you so far … but PERSONALITY is EVERYTHING ….. and some of you bitches on this site have the ugliest personalities of all. This guy is GORGEOUS compared to your stank ass mentality.

  14. We’re not sure how to pronounce his last name, but it matters very little seeing as how he’s a gorgeous male model in his underwear.

    a gorgeous male model??? Are you fucking blind, this guy is fugly as hell.. OMG

  15. If I can’t say something nice then I’ll try not to say anything at all ;-)lol

  16. ROFL. The way you guys are talking it sounds like you’re fucking models.

  17. I’m sure he’d clean up quite nicely…very European look. Everyone has their own tastes…if you like him, that’s great for you, if you don’t like him, just keep movin…

  18. All I can say is, if he’s supposedly attractive then suddenly I feel like Brad Pitt.

    p.s. I’m normally quite a modest person


    Guys – piss in the wind and it’s going to cum back in your face. Hit 40 and feel hot? Great! Now hit 50 and watch the youth oriented young thang’s that only see the outside and when they call you a troll in drunken reverie one night as you are going home – you see something. If you are bitter and old before your time – you’ll hold onto it make something out of it with drama. If you have an ability and desire to look within you’ll feel the OUCH and let it go out your back – and know – POOR LITTLE TWINKS – TERRIFIED OF AGING. DON’T BELIEVE IT WILL HAPPEN TO THEM. I HOPE THEY MEET KINDER FOLK THEN THEY HAVE BEEN TO ME. WHATEVER! NOW TO MAKE A FORAGE INTO THE FOREST AND WRESTLE A NICE MIDDLE AGED BEAR WITH A ZEST FOR LIFE!

    It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that zing!

  20. Interesting face, I don’t think he needs any work there. He’s otherwise a little bland.

  21. Land sakes alive! They actually dared to put a picture of a male on here who actually looks male and now all the bitter fag-hags and sequestered queens are jumping out of the closets with axe in hand.

  22. Mmm! Beautiful eyes, cheekbones, jawline, and those LIPS!

    He’s a gorgeous European type, and I find his features entirely striking. He may not meet the textbook definition of american “hot” but he’s a far cry from ugly!

    I’d love to kiss those lips.

  23. is it me or do most models look like they’re strung out on something… I mean I actually know a few models…and they ARE strung out on cocaine…but seriously, you would think they could do a better job covering it up.

  24. Well, must say I disagree with some of the trolling bitches here (and helen b, you take the cake). I’ve no problem if people don’t find him attractive, but really, if that’s the case just click and move on already. Personally, I think he’s absolutely gorgeous – defined body, beautiful eyes and features, and those lips…Would take him over a lot of the guys normally featured here or in the Porn Section.

  25. Personally I do not find him very attractive. But having been a model myself for several years I know that the fashion industry looks for all kinds of things. Especially the “european look” … its whats IN right now … I mean look in the magazines. Prada, D&G, Gucci … they are all using guys that look like this Michael kid.

    And for all of the people saying hateful things about this young man I like the comment someone made earlier … If You Cant Say Anything Nice Then Dont Say Anything At All.

  26. He’s hott! After living in Spain for over a year now, I can say his look are VERY European. How about we slap too much makeup on him and follow that with a super airbrush job? Then he would look “amazingly” hot, no? Coming from a man who loves photography and photomanipulations…these photos are pure as pure can be. True beauty lies beneath the makeup. This guy has modeled for some BIG names. So there has to be some level of appeal behind him. From a few comments before…just in case you don’t believe me….




  27. Ugh, all you haters are beyond stupid. I only hope saying such vile things on an online forum helps you’ll for your clearly shattered sense of worth, which is only helped along by putting other people down apparently. I’m sure majority of you putting this handsome fellow down would jizz in your panties if this guy gave any of you a second look in a bar.

  28. I’m so glad there are people out in support of this guy. He’s gorgeous. I’m going to go out on a limb and say most of you that think he’s hideous don’t live in a major city with a lot of foreigners?

  29. That last pic sorta looks like a mug shot. I think he looks more like the guy who would have killed the wife who was cheating on her husband and unfortunately ran into him.

  30. What a bunch of horrible people have gathered here to sit in judgment of this guy.
    I would so LOVE to see a picture of each one of you to determine how wonderfully HOT, SEXY, ATTRACTIVE and/ or GORGEOUS you are!

    As far as I can see Michael Gstoettner has strong features that make him stand out of the crowd of your everyday pretty boy androgynous male model. His is the kind of face you don’t tend to forget.

    More importantly, it is note worthy for you to understand that people around the world don’t necessarily follow the American standard of what is handsome or beautiful. If he’s not your type that’s okay, but why do you have to start calling him names, make insulting remarks and basically act like an Internet bully? I thought that the MH members were adults. Please do try to rise above your obviously pressing tendency to display juvenile schoolyard behavior. At your age it’s just SAD!

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