This morning I was awakened to the sound of a dipshit plumber and a dipshit contractor arguing at 7am and then tearing apart the apartment above mine by ripping the whole thing up and throwing large pieces of wood and plaster out the third floor windows. So I thought I’d write today about how I’ve always wanted to get fucked on a construction site. But fuck them, I’m mad. Let’s talk about books!
This morning Full Stop, one of my favorite book blogs, posted a piece about fictional student-teacher affairs, and how much fun they seem. Says the young writer:
“Hot for teacher—which, until the writing of this piece, I didn’t know was a Van Halen song—taps into all the taboos that make our kinks work. There’s power, there’s authority and institutions (which is always hot). There’s illicitness, there’s control. There’s the porousness of the public/private dichotomy, the thing that makes exhibitionism and voyeurism two sides of the same coin. There’s the constant appeal of doing what you’re not supposed to—which, in fiction, you are allowed to participate in, and even root for. If it’s just outside the realm of possibility, you want it even more.”
Yes! Porous dichotomies are the hottest! (Seriously, though: power, institutions, control, and doing what you’re not supposed to? Hot, hot, hot and hot. Assuming everybody’s consenting, of course.) Of course anyone who’s ever seen more than three minutes of porn has let their mind wander down this road before. While in reality I think I only ever had one hot teacher—where are you now, Mr. 11th Grade American Lit Guy?—and none of them looked like this guy, there are plenty of movie and TV teachers I’d like to have keeping me after class. The earliest example I can think of is Mark Harmon in Summer School, which dates me, I know, but what are yours?
Because I have the attention span of a gnat and now I’m thinking about Summer School, scroll down below for photos of Mark Harmon through the ages.
– Lawrence
Mark Harmon just gets better with age. Pam Dawber is one lucky woman.
Mark Harmon is still sexy to this day. As for being hot for teacher. Pretty much all of mine were old women. Then the one guy one I had, I didn’t find hot, and he was an asshole. He failed me in math because I got sick & threw up. Told me if I was sick I should toughen up & be a man about it. Needless to say, my Mom took me out of that school. My question has always been. If you want to teach, then why be an asshole? Pretty much all my teachers were assholes except for one. Her name was Phyllis Buckner. She enjoyed teaching and made it fun. She was always coming up with new and interesting ways to teach us.
I never had a teacher I was hot for either.
Although I never had one that was an ass either but many did have an Air about them that made me nervous.
Most had just come back from the Vietnam war and had a lot of demons to live with and it was more than obvious at times.
But people who were or wanted to be teachers were ordinary in looks and not attractive to the point a young man would want them.
Mark looks great– sadly his look on NCIS just does not do it for me —
I had a professor in college I was so hot for that I took a total of four classes that he taught really just to swoon on him. I swear he looked like he could’ve been an Italian model or something. I may have gotten a hint from him one time. Once before class I was in the men’s room at the urinal when he came in and used the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME. There was seriously no one else there. He was talking to me and of course I had to look and he had this big thick cock. Needless to say that’s been a pretty good jerkoff visual for me over the years.