Manhunt Man of The Week: MonsterCubFTL

Today’s Manhunt Man of The Week goes by quite a few names. You might know him from Bear Films as Gunner Scott or Pantheon Bear asĀ Hunter. These days, you can find him on Facebook as Hunter Van Buren or log onto a certain site called Manhunt to look him up as “MonsterCubFTL“.

The latter moniker has become something of a brand for him, and luckily, we spoke with him right as he was about to make a very big step in his life—producing a porno with his real-life boyfriend, Jorge. Of course, that’s not all we talked about! We also touched base on what it’s like to have such a thick dick, the state of the bear porn industry and his dream celebrity foursome. Keep reading, and hopefully, you’ll have as much fun reading this interview as I did composing it.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Bear Films

Read our interview and see more pics of Hunter below:


Hey Hunter! It was so great to reconnect with you through Facebook. What have you been up to since we last saw you on Bear Films?

I’ve been working at a few bars down here in Fort Lauderdale and Miami. I have also been promoting Bear Films and my own brand, MonsterCub, through my time working the clubs/bars. Also, did a cover shoot for Fort Lauderdale’s Beach Bear Weekend… But more recently, I’ve been completing my first self-produced, self-edited, full feature DVD starring my real life partner and I. We intend to release the DVD for commercial purposes on our anniversary, October 19.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Yes, that’s yesterday.]

That is so sweet in a deliciously slutty way! How did you two meet? Has he done any adult work before this?

We were always friends on Facebook, but for the first year I lived in South Florida, I never saw him at the bars or any parties until Labor Day weekend 2012. The following week, he asked me to be his gym buddy. We started hanging out and hooking up, then after a month or so, we started dating.

He ans I are open, and while he’s never done anything professionally like I have, we each post videos and pics on Tumblr and such. Once I told him I wanted to make a DVD, he went to work and bought a Canon capable of 1080p.

Sounds like true love to me. On that note, what sort of vibe did you go for with the film? Are the scenes rough and nasty, or a little more tender and romantic?

A good mix. There is one POV scene where I seed his hole, another one where we kiss, snuggle and hold eachother throughout the video, There’s another scene with mutual oral in a friend’s pool, and other times where I fuck him so hard he screams “daddy”.


FUCK! That sounds hot. I love how dirty your mind is, and every now and then, I’ll go back and read your It Happened On Manhunt story. Do you still have a profile on the site?

Yes, because I was told I am no longer “hotjocksc2”, because apparently bears can’t be jocks? I have adopted my new nick name as my new screen name on Manhunt is MonsterCubFTL.

Nice! Have you had any new adventures on Manhunt since that last story?

I continue to meet some very hot guys on Manhunt. I love the fetish feature. If I want to meet a guy who likes jockstraps like me, then I can narrow my search. Looking for some dad/son roleplay? You can find the daddies who are into that too. I’ve even been contacted through Manhunt for modeling jobs, escorting and porn. One guy even asked if I’d be in his music video.

You must have a lot of guys trying to get in your pants. Can we talk about your dick for a second? It’s kind of thick. Okay, very thick.

MY COCK? A blessing and a curse. Most of the bottoms I meet have tons of trouble with my dick, they need the full nine (no pun intended)—lube, poppers, a dildo, shot of whiskey. Some guys can’t take it. Some guys can only take it for a couple of minutes, and they either cum uncontrollably, or their hole is so tight that I’m ripping them apart… But there are some bottoms, that use their hole and swallow up my cock and can take it for hours.

Gunner Scott

I’m tight as hell, but I’d love to take that challenge! Out of curiosity, are you only topping your BF in your video? Or does he fuck you too? I mean, you have a great ass too…

Unlike most porn stars that top only, treating their starfish like the Arc of the Covenant—never to be opened up for fear of cataclysm—I plan to bottom for my boyfriend for the first time on or right after our anniversary. However, in my video, I’m top only. I do rim and suck him some.

Wow, what a huge step to make! Is he excited to fuck you?

I’m sure he more or less thinks I’m bluffing. Meanwhile, I’ve always been interested in watching him fuck someone else or tag-teaming some guy with him.

I’m surprised that hasn’t happened yet. With your open arrangement, I would have assumed you two were having tons of threeways.

No, because a lot of guys we want to bring in either aren’t attracted to him, or he’s not attracted to them. Though, there are a few guys who we are both interested in, but geographically it’s hard to hook up. Best we did was a threeway suckfest with a friend in Orlando. And there are tons of guys that want to be the pig in our bear sandwhich, but again, the moment hasn’t always been there.

Jorge and Hunter

Well, maybe someone reading this will volunteer to be in your next video. What sort of guy would you both be into?

Jorge loves gingers, Brits, country boys/rednecks with a nice smile. Generally stocky/cubbish/bearish guys.

I like all that too, but also Middle Eastern men, muscle daddies and otters as well.

We both like gaymer bears, guys are that special chunky, nerdy, hot… Like if Seth Rogen and Chris Evans want to have a fourway with us, then play MarioKart or Call of Duty with us afterward, we’d be SO HAPPY.

That is a beautiful image. Truly. I’m just imagining both of them getting stretched open, making out with one another while the two of you fuck them doggystyle.

Yup, I bet Seth Rogen sucks great cock, and Chris Evan’s hole will taste amazing, like pineapple glazed ham. That’s how you know it’s a great ass, when it reminds you of food that you love when you eat it.


HA! As a fellow rimjob enthusiast, I know exactly what you’re talking about. So, before we wrap this up, I have one big question I want to address… Why do you think there’s such a lack of quality bear sites? It seems like, scrolling through Tumblr, a LOT of guys would be willing to pay to see bigger, hairier guys fuck.

It certainly seems like a market, and even for twinkier guys, big guys can be a guilty pleasure. However, a lot of bear men have body image issues and are afraid to be featured on camera, let alone naked. Also, for the most part, bear born doesn’t pay as well as mainstream porn. As much as I’d love to do a scene with a rugged cubbish guy like Colby Jansen or Billy Santoro, they are more ripped up and get paid three to four times what I get paid.

After the release of my DVD, I aim to start my own bear lifestyle website. Think of it as Maverick Men meets LOGO, porn with DIY tips from a porn starĀ  the public can identify with. It will combine porn, erotica, stories, and user-submitted content with segments on workout tips for chubs, cooking segments for chasers, and informative and entertaining bits.

Well, I wish you luck with that, my friend! It sounds like it would get a good response.

Thanks, Dewitt.

Hmm, so in closing, what’s the best way for people to keep track of you and what you’re up to? Is there anything we forgot to talk about?

Despite all of this, I also have a degree in Biology. I hope one day to design an organic consumer product to be proud of, like the next Ranch dressing, a better kind of tooth paste or a transdermal form of Viagra that can act as lube. But until then, this MonsterCub will do what he does best, fuck hot guys and try to inspire others.

You can follow me on Facebook at Hunter Van Buren (MonsterCub), as well as Tumblr and Instagram.



Bear Films

14 thoughts on “Manhunt Man of The Week: MonsterCubFTL

  1. “No, because a lot of guys we want to bring in either arenā€™t attracted to him, or heā€™s not attracted to them.”
    I’m sure there’s never been an instance of where someone wants to get with him and not you. Your boy’s head is unbelievably swoll, literally and figuratively.

    The bear porn segment of the industry is weak because it’s a representation of the scene. We don’t have nearly enough people in open relationships, wearing harnesses, talking about breeding, and guys that used to be svelte but fell off, etc. /s

  2. I agree with that too. TOO MANY haters within the Bear Community. We need to be supporting each other.

    And to clarify, there is one instance that I can remember where it was obvious that Jorge wanted to fuck someone and I didn’t. He made out with my best friend and I went ballistic. Because he’s my best friend I would never be sexually interested in him, because he’s like my brother. And I went ballistic because my friend and I agreed that we wouldn’t fuck each other’s bfs or exes long before it happened. And I never did, even though I’ve had opportunities.

  3. Wow this guy is so hot! It is great to see a real body on here rather than the typical porn body! Cant wait to see this film.

  4. It is so sad and transparent when people say “real body” they mean obese…but I guess that is the new American norm. So all there is to do is snub those who actually bother to take care of themselves.

  5. So you’re implying I don’t take care of myself? Why don’t you fuck off pussy bitch!

  6. No, this man is by no way obese you prick! What a rude comment to make about someone you don’t know. However, the fact is the majority of Americans aren’t perfectly skinny and ripped.

  7. I work out 3 or 4 times a week. I eat a fairly balanced diet. I played football and wrestled in high school and college. I”m 6’3” 300lbs. I don’t snub anyone who wants to be thin or lean at all. Everyone has their own priorities and fitness goals. There is no reason to be a cunt to someone based on their weight or shape.

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