Manhunt Man of the Week: frussam

Frussam is the perfect Manhunt member for our new “Manhunt Man of the Weekformat. His Manhunt profile reads “blah blah blah” END SCENE. This is a man who doesn’t need to answer our old triflin’ questions. He knows that his pics speak for him. Truthfully, I’m putting words into his mouth. He’s probably a very modest, soft-spoken gentleman who experienced writer’s block when it came to filling out his profile.

Speaking of putting things in his mouth…do I need to go on?

– J. Harvey

Check out more pics of Manhunt member frussam below:


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13 thoughts on “Manhunt Man of the Week: frussam

  1. Not only do I want to get in his pants, I want to get inside his head! Please bring back the questions!!!

  2. yes please bring back the questions was the only thing that made this a unique feature, the cigarette in his mouth is a huge turnoff as well for this guy

  3. The lack of questions just really takes the joy of the whole thing… Usually guys that looked ‘the part’ were so self-absorbed that you would see them for what they were – douches – while some non-pin up guys would be really genuine and interesting.

  4. I agree with those below, the questions are what made the format and revealed the douches (and sweeties) among us. I have negative opinions about those who fill out their profile this way and I’ll just leave it at that because those opinions are mine. Dude is hot and sexy and all that but…

  5. why are all the guys in my cities manhunt always fat, old and or ugly…all with lies and photos of them 10 plus years ago and 20 lbs ago…not to mention theyve seem to have lost touch with their birthdays

  6. Most of them are probably still self absorbed. Not all, but a lot — especially if theyre constantly looking for anonymous sex on Manhunt. And to have a proflie that says blah blah blah – that says cocky and self important right there. And no, not being a hater. I just like some depth to my men

  7. i wont date a guy who smokes. nasty habit, smells awful, and bad for your health. I m still shocked at how many people, especially younger people in their teens and twenties are smoking in this day and age

  8. Yes the big but….I dont care how many muscles you have, if youre an arrogant prick, or have an ugly personality or are full of yourself, Im turned off immediately

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