Each week we crown a Manhunt member as the “Manhunt Man of the Week!” We like to highlight guys with an interesting, fun or sexy profile and hot pics. Or we receive incredibly snarky answers to the questionaire that amuse us so much that we have to post em’. Meet Beantown1213, he’s handsome, has a gorgeous bod, and a flair for whimsical bitchcraft!
How does the Manhunt MOTW benefit from being featured on the Daily? His time in the spotlight will surely garner him international acclaim! As well as 30 days of Unlimited Membership for free!
– J. Harvey
To learn about this week’s MOTW, follow the JUMP:
Manhunt Man of the Week: Beantown1213
Age: 24
Location: Massachusetts
The hottest Manhunt hookup you ever had?
The hottest hookup I ever had was with a dismembered mannequin. No arms, no legs, no head – just that hard, smooth, Ken-doll body. Far more engaging than Macy’s typically lackluster window displays. A photograph of my tryst taken by a curious onlooker was later included in an MFA exhibit on felicitation and over-sexualization in the fashion industry.
What’s your favorite body part on a guy?
My favorite part body part is a man’s torso. So much so that I don’t care at all what the rest of a man’s body looks like. That’s why I think Seamus, the quadruped from Family Guy, is the sexiest thing out there – he’s nothing but torso. Just thinking about him gives me wood as hard as his absurdly unfunctional substitute limbs.
Who do you think is the sexiest man in the world?
Hands down, I would have to say the sexiest man in world is Steve Buscemi. I could barely contain myself this past fall. Every Sunday I’d go through at least 2 bottles of Crisco watching Empire Boardwalk. Just thinking about it gets me hard.
What’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?
I once fucked a guy in a church. He was the organist at my great uncle’s funeral and I had been eyeing him the minute I saw him. Thankfully, he had [redacted for naming competition], err the Manhunt app, and during the mass, we plotted our rendezvous in between hymns. After, we snuck into one of the confessionals, fucked, and walked out separate ways.
And finally, does size matter?
Our MOTW neglected to answer this question, but we’re sure it would have been another delightful bon mot.
If you would like to submit yourself as a Manhunt Man of the Week (meaning – you have hot pictures, and more than three words in your profile), e-mail us at motw@manhunt.net!
really? his hottest hookup was with a mannequin? seamus the amputee is super sexy? and steve buscemi is the sexiest man alive… this must have been an interesting week.
The hottest guys are always the craziest ;^]
Very Hot!!!!
someone is going to hell…..
Hilarious interview
Okay, this guy has a weird sense of humor, which I absolutely love. And he’s pretty cute. I approve.
J., the word is REdacted. “[redacted for naming competition]”
The only word close to “didact” (sic) is “didactic,” an adjective that means “morally instructive,” which would never be associated with anything here! LOL
Perhaps the cuteness of the bean boy caused your vocabulary slippage.
Not before he gets herpes.
Areastender: yes, that is it. The cuteness. Ugh.
heh heh.
he’s just a regular Boston Smart Ass, huh?
HOTTTTT…cute, sexy…HOTTT
“iphone app” at a church? seriously? hahaha
His profile says that he’s “sometimes drunk but more often stoned.” Manhunt isn’t grown up enough to allow us to use the word “marijuana” (or other recreational drug) in our profiles, so this adorable stoner has found a clever way around that.
I went to school with this guy.
I would bet his responses were meant to show how stupid he thinks this man of the week segment actually is.
Hahahaha hot & funny
Considering the several malapropisms in his answers, I would hope so.
What, from the mannequin? lol.
Really? Like you would take this seriously? It’s the manhunt man of the week. Props to keeping it interesting.
@Kenneth. Really? Ya think?