Manhunt Daily Wood: Josh Kloss

Josh Kloss

This week’s Wood is the hottie  that Katy Perry kisses in her video for  “Teenage Dream“. Josh Kloss is a model/actor who played the character Chip Saunders in the now canceled Fox series The O.C. Since the show ended, Josh hasn’t been in any movies or television shows. He’s probably really busy being ridiculously good looking. Enjoy the pictures… I sure did.

– Andy

For more pictures of Josh, follow the JUMP:

Josh Kloss

Josh Kloss

Josh Kloss

Josh Kloss

Josh Kloss

Josh Kloss

27 thoughts on “Manhunt Daily Wood: Josh Kloss

  1. Something about his lips is a little off putting, I don’t know what it is. Other than that he is pretty hot!

  2. hey Tim, the only thing wrong with his lips are, their not covering my cock.
    He is F’ing HOT

  3. He is a perfect ten in my book. His skin is beautiful. I wish we could see all of him!!!

  4. handsome… blah blah blah – but frankly… i’m worried about guys with no body fat. Be real… enjoy some food once in a while.

  5. Agrees with Tim….his upper lip kinda throws me off, but I certainly wouldn’t say NO. 😀

  6. Really? It comes down to the lips? I’ve been watching these forums for a long time and it amazes me how guys on here just nit pick the models posted for our enjoyment! I’ve finally just had to start commenting and giving positive responses to the guys, even if I may not find them perfect. Are you so insecure that you have to find fault with perfection? THIS MAN IS PERFECTION! Stunning! Thank you for the images, Andy.

  7. I agree with Todd. You people are commenting about this guys lips? His upper lip looks a little off? You have got to be fucking kidding me. This man is gorgeous.

  8. I’d like to see what these guys, who are posting, look like(?) 😉 LOL

    I suspect there’s ALOT of jealous/envy behind their nit-picking. 😉 LOL

  9. LOL lips like his usually drive me insane, full and thick, ready to kiss, my lips, my nips, my cock and then rim me and start the process all over again, but all his other many charms, including his eyes, kept me from even noticing the lips, until I looked at his pictures 3 or 4 times…isn’t it amazing what catches our eyes…I was still in his hairy arm pits until the thrid time around…LOL

  10. The default look for humans is to have a slightly larger upper lip than lower lip.

    His is smaller.

    It’s something that catches the eye because it’s different. In our minds we see that something just isn’t “right” and we get that trigger that makes us go: huh?

    Hot guy, weird lips. Is what it is.

  11. I’m a big fan of THE OC and I didn’t even remember his character and he was in 5 episodes. He basically was like an extra. Anyways, he is hot.

  12. Love those lips, they caught my eye right off. But then again, so did everything else about him. He’s a keeper for sure.

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