MANHUNT Daily Is Getting A Makeover!

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Hey boys, MANHUNT Daily is getting a redesign in the near future, and we need your input! On a purely aesthetic level, what don't you like about the site? Tell us what you love, what you'd like to see improved upon and what you'd like to see added. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Flickr

20 thoughts on “MANHUNT Daily Is Getting A Makeover!

  1. I would love it if it were easier to access old articles. I miss some from time to time and I would like to catch up. lol.

  2. everything on the side-bar (buddy list, track list, search, etc) should fit on the screen. The addition of the ‘Live Cams’ at the bottom link forces it off the screen creating a scroll bar. Maybe I’m just O.C.D., but that really annoys me!

  3. I would like the profiles to be a bit more organized. Like with the search feature, havethe stats, what he’s into, etc, as drop down menus. I think this would give the profile more appeal and would make it easier for people to look at what they want in the order they want. Some people look at age first, some look at what he’s into, and others look at pics first.
    Also, I would like the site to automatically organize the pics on a profile into locked and unlocked. That way the first pics we see are the unlocked ones, then we can ask the guy to unlock if we like what we see.

  4. The background. I don’t like the way it fades out towards the center, personally.
    Also, the tags (in-article, not on the left side) should work for this site too, and not just technorati… it took way too long to find an old Ryan Reynolds video.
    I’m sure there’s more that I would like to see changed, but I just got home from work, and walking 30 minutes in this +100 degree heat has got me movin slow.

  5. make the whole page more worksafe and remove the scanty men adds and hide them easier? (be able to X them away after slide open popups atall?)

  6. How about you guys pic some more masculine looking guys for your meat of the week etc. Everytime I open it up theres some scantily clad sissy (no offence sissies) striking a pose from 1995. Put some REAL men in there. Thick Muscle, Sexxy Bears, Rednecks… maybe a guy over the age of 23 once in a while? There’s a lot more kinds of HOT men than just pubescent hairless twinks. A HUGE section of your users like to see a guy who looks like he remembers what a cheeseburger tastes like. Thanks!

  7. actually, it’s not THAT bad at the moment.
    i guess a revamp would be nice.
    the main thing – KEEP IT SIMPLE.
    that’s really important.
    good example: Wikipedia, keeping itself nice and easy to use.
    bad example: Facebook, destroying itself by adding more and more unnecessary features and options.
    just don’t overcomplicate it. not that i have problems with technology – it’s just more pleasant to use, therefore, will be used more frequently.
    and on a side note, not relating to design, – maybe a few more articles during weekends? cos it’s almost dead on sat and sun.

  8. You may want to consider using a CMS such as Joomla! Joomla! is a free opensource content management system that would allow you to archive older articles while still providing the ability to search through them. Not to mention better navigation, commenting system, etc.
    And while I’m at it, you may want to consider re-working the left frame of the main website. Using frames is a very ugly way to display a website – having 2 scroll bars is a very big pain in the ass (and not in a good way).

  9. I think that the tags over ont he left side are organized really badly. They should be better somehow. Sometimes they are in alphabetical order, sometimes they arent, and sometimes they are too specific or too generic to find what you want.

  10. I kinda hate the reverse type. It makes longer/multiple articles harder on the eyes to read. Also, I wish you guys had some consistent article tags like “pop culture” and “porn stars” etc to make it easier to search for content related articles.

  11. add a search box. i have to scroll through every article between now and the one i’m looking for to show someone something.

  12. yeah if you want to make this a blog that can be viewed anywhere i would definitely suggest removing some of these sexy ads…yeah i understand you gotta pay the bills, but maybe like someone else suggested, either remove these or make them hide-able since they are very NSFW

  13. just seconding (or thirding, fourthing) the idea of a search option to find old articles, clips, etc

  14. I also agree the addition of a search option would be most welcomed!
    Yes, I know the request was made for comments regarding the ManhuntDaily blog website, but I do have a comment/complaint regarding the regular site—the instant messenger is a pain. Whenever the person I am chatting with sends a new chat message, the IM window pops to the front. This is especially annoying when I am in the middle of typing an email to another buddy or even when (occasionally) doing other more constructive multi-tasking. Whatever I might be typing in another window or application continues typing in the chat window.

  15. Keep all the stories on the same page, like most other blogs, you just keep scrolling down to the next story. Not each article on it’s own page.
    Perhaps a lighter background
    maybe a forum for other discussions
    Can you maybe cover guys who aren’t from Brazil?

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