Catty pop divas make all of us happy, and the world a better place. Someone recorded Madonna rehearsing for her show in Tel Aviv, Israel. Remember when Lady Gaga dropped “Born This Way” and everyone realized she had sorta kinda ganked Madge’s “Express Yourself”? Madonna hasn’t forgotten. She wasn’t content with just branding Gaga’s work as “reductive” (it’s Dewitt’s favorite word. He’s always calling me “reductive”.). She’s performing “Express Yourself” in her new show and mashing it with “Born This Way”. Elderly people don’t like it when you come for them.
Is she twirling a baton in this footage? Try to ignore who posted it first. Blech.
– J. Harvey
To watch Madonna flip off Gaga, Follow the JUMP:
When I’m 50, I hope I can be as big a bitch as Madonna and still remain queen of everything.
I have to assume Madonna must have gotten permission from Gaga to perform the song in her tour, so I doubt there’s any ill will here. Or maybe Madonna got free use of the song as part of a settlement for not suing Gaga for ripping off her song… Lol. At any rate, I think the “cat fight” that everyone wants to see between them is more manufactured by the media than anything that’s actually real. They seem to have mutual respect for each other for the most part.
Madonna is such a bitch. That is why I love her.
you forgot that Madonna is adding “She’s Not Me” after Born this Way … which is the whole cheeky point … but you know they both love stirring up drama among the “little Monsters” and Madonna fans alike …
and I’m so disappointed that you used a “he who shall not be named” link … if you were a real fan (or a website with actual research skills) you would’ve found a few links that didn’t have HIS name attached to it (is that why Dewitt didn’t tag his name to this post?)
I know. I was lazy. Sorry.
Right. When you hate something, you don’t perform it.
Oooh oooh ooooh!! Can we do the same thing with One Direction and Backstreet Boys?? I Want One Thing? I Want That Thing One Way?? One Way Thing?? One Thing That I Want?? It’s all a mix up, mashed up world LOL!!
Madonna is hilarious!
well, Madonna can do anything – she’s not the kween for nothing….
M is at her best being a bitch! This woman is hilarious!
You can relink from Billboard if you’re feeling sleezy about the current link.
She is just a loser
I still do not hear any similarities between these 2 songs.
Are you KIDDING me??? When she sang a couple of lines from Born This Way, then the next lines from Express Yourself, the music didn’t even change! It didn’t have to because it’s basically THE SAME SONG.
I would just like to state that I actually used to pronounce Aretha Franklin’s name as “Urethra Franklin”. Now that we’ve addressed that, you may all carrying on with this tired debate about “feuding” pop entities.
yes, Madonna you’re right…. she is not you… she is young… and you are so old that we have to find your horrocruxes to kill you…..
she should have continued, “…and she never will be.”