Locker Room Harassment


There may be few public places more charged than a locker room, especially one on a college campus packed with athletes. But sometimes jocks are just douchebags who get off on throwing pee-soaked wads of toilet paper at a random gym-goer.

A student at Colorado State who was harassed by several football players wrote this letter to the school's administrators:

"I once again told the guys that this was my bag. One of them stepped
towards me and raised a fist. He told me, and I remember this very
clearly, "Get the fuck out of here before I whoop your punk ass." It
was then that another student entered the aisle. The four guys quickly
bowed their heads and walked the opposite way out of the aisle, leaving
my bag. I checked the bag and nothing except a few emergency dollars I
keep in one of the side pockets had been taken. I was obviously upset,
but considered the situation done. I put on my swim trunks and headed
out to the pool, but with my backpack. After a half hour swim, I called
it quits and headed to the shower."

Click here for the letter's entirety.

It gets kinda funny when he makes fun of the school's football team.

– Wilbur

Photo Credit: Flickr

5 thoughts on “Locker Room Harassment

  1. I read the story in its interity and it was kind of funny. That kid sounds like a career-victim who gives off a vibe of weakness and fear.
    Do people deserve to get bathroom tissue thrown at them in the shower? of course not, but this kid sounds like a prude who needs to lighten up a bit…
    Thats why going to the gym in pairs can help. Additionally, can always go off campus to the gay gyms like the rest of us do…

  2. Are you kidding??? You make it sound like this kid was partially to blame. And then you call him names! He pays to go that school and has every right to go there without worrying about those meathead football players. You sound like you might be right up there with those meathead football players.

  3. I agree with him. There is no reason why a student of the school shoudlnt be able to use campus facilities provided to ALL students without being harrased and beat on by people.. it is disgusting behavior that should not be tolderated at any degree.

  4. A divergent opinion makes me a “meathead”?
    Life isn’t fair and we don’t always get what we want. Why do people think they can complain about every single thing that happens to them and espect the world to stop and give them a hug?
    A simple brandish of a can of mace [on the part of the “agrieved party”] would have calmed the rawkus footballers right down…
    Additionally, if he didn’t want to make it a race issue why did he say “i won’t mention their race”? We can obviously read between the lines….
    Their race had nothing to do with it. Their young vintage, high testosterone, and “pack mentality” were the perfect storm in starting this incident…
    How about universities focus on more significant issues such as high tuition rates, extra costs, incidents of rayp/attacks, and less than stellar professors?

  5. Not sure about wielding a can of mace as being the end to a means, but I do agree that this kid should grow a pair and not have signed this anonymously; especially if he plans on suing the university.
    Yes, bullying is unacceptable in any form, but it happens and will continue to happen. He is taking action by addressing it, and I do feel for the guy….but, I do think he should have sat down with the Dean or someone from the coaching staff and call out the players if this is that big of an issue with him.
    As for protecting his educational investment, I would first spend some money on a dictionary and look up the difference between isle and aisle.

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