James Dobson Loves Talking Dirty

I never thought I'd hear Focus on the Family's James Dobson say words like fetishism and voyeurism but in a new online video he says that and much more… too bad most of it consists of lies.

Dobson tries to tell his followers that the Matthew Shepard Act, which passed the House last month, protects all sorts of "sexual disorders" like the ones mentioned above, including bisexuality.

The only problem is that it isn't true, and sexual orientation cannot and is not described to mean fetishes or other sexual "perversions" in the bill. I guess when you're trying to fight against something like common sense hate crimes legislation, you have to reach far and wide for an excuse. Or maybe he just wanted to get away with saying naughty words!

That's my take, what's yours?

– Andy

One thought on “James Dobson Loves Talking Dirty

  1. My take is he so obviously has never read the DSM-IV-TR, the most recent version of the Diagnostics manual by the American Psychiatric Association which he is supposedly quoting.
    I also find hilarious how these preach same sex marriage will bring the end of days when it is already legal here in Canada and we are kinda doing better than the US right now 🙂

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