Jack Valenti’s Sexuality Investigated By FBI

Jack Valenti

It has been revealed that Jack Valenti, long time president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Science and former aide to President L.B Johnson was investigated for homosexuality by the FBI during J. Edgar Hoover's reign. The investigation involved Valenti's sexuality, and rumors that he had a relationship with a male photographer.

The Washington Post reports, "The
agents learned that Valenti was a frequent party host in Houston, and
the photographer often attended. An FBI memo dated Nov. 12, 1964,
stated that the photographer 'has the reputation of being a
homosexual.' The photographer and 'Valenti have allegedly been having
an affair for a number of years,' the memo said."

That alone is unusual, the FBI investigating someone's sexuality? But when you look into the rumors of J. Edgar Hoover being a closeted homo, it makes a little more sense. Hoover's paranoid persona, combined with his shame over his own sexuality, were likely to blame for his investigations into other's personal lives, including investigations into the sexuality of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

– Andy

7 thoughts on “Jack Valenti’s Sexuality Investigated By FBI

  1. You know, I can’t hear the name J. Edgar Hoover without laughing hysterically.
    “Sucks like a Hoover” anyone?

  2. Bear in mind too that during much of Hoover’s tenure at the FBI, homosexuality was considered a subversive “choice” that un-American pinkos and the like chose in order to undermine the social order. That wasn’t just his opinion, but a generally held one – until fairly recently, being even the slightest bit openly gay disqualified you from most security clearances. So it wasn’t so much Hoover’s personal paranoia or his shame; it was generally accepted policy.

  3. What is with openly gay men always criticizing closeted bisexual/homosexual men as if its a problem.The day many openly gay men can wake up and stop this foolish superiority complex expression,criticizing every male who has a sexual attraction to other men yet chooses to live in anonymity,perhaps its the day when alarge portion of stereotypes that plague openly gay men can no longer exist.Nothing irritates me than a miserable homosexual who wants to criticize a male who is homosexual/bisexual for not conforming to the stereotypical gay lifestyle.Grow the hell up manhunt!

  4. soo JJJ, you are defending J. Edgar Hoover? WOW ok. plus, MH isn’t criticizing him for being closeted, but for being closeted and taking out his own insecurities on others lives using his power, which is exactly what was happening. And that’s a shame.

  5. Jeez Manhunt staff (Andy)…I would think you of all people would realize how dated this investigation was…I mean, 1964??!! If the Postmaster can rat you out for possessing questionable homo-erotic publications back in the 60’s, then why would it be such a surprise to hear that the government would investigate the private lives of any citizen back then?
    Yeah, you’re only the messenger for The Washington Post’s article, but come on…the times have changed, and suggest you look forward to how far we have come rather than measuring today’s progress against a very repressed era. We already know where we’ve been…and frankly, am tired of hearing about J. Edna Hoover’s proclivities.

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