I’ve Never Done This Before: Woody Fox’s Bottoming Debut

To make up for the atrocity of Topher DiMaggio‘s bottoming debut, MEN.COM just announced Woody Fox will be give up his onscreen virginity tomorrow in the site’s “Top To Bottom” series. As much as I like to pretend that I’m in the industry loop, the timing of this release was a complete surprise to me! Newcomer Jack Radley was already scheduled to appear in the series later this month (a move which made no sense to me, considering we’ve never seen him top or bottom yet).

Thankfully, Woody came out of nowhere to rescue our dicks from boredom and awkward hip movements, bringing us what’s sure to be the (second) biggest gay porn headline of the week. The scene has been described as sensual and passionate, likely similar to the studio’s excellent, less plot-driven efforts “Fallen” and “Affinity“. British model Paul Walker—who continues to grow on me with each new day that passes—will have the incredible honor of popping Woody’s onscreen cherry.

I’m emphasizing the word “onscreen”, because Woody’s refreshingly honest about his experience bottoming off camera. While I’m all for embracing a fantasy, it’s pretty ridiculous when the gay porn industry tries to pull the wool over our eyes with scenes like this… Remember when Tony Paradise claimed he never sucked a dick? That was too much. Too much.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: MEN.COM

Check out the trailer for Woody Fox’s bottoming debut below:

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Woody Fox bottoming for Paul Walker on the Top to Bottom branch of gay porn site MEN.COM.

Watch Woody’s first bottoming scene tomorrow, January 24, on MEN.COM!



12 thoughts on “I’ve Never Done This Before: Woody Fox’s Bottoming Debut

  1. Ha! I follow Woody on Facebook and once asked him if he would ever bottom and he said “Absolutely not!” SO happy he changed his mind!

  2. Woody fox should be a star, that slab of meat that fucked him should be a personal trainer.

  3. LOVE Woody.. amazing guy (physically, sexually and everything else). But the choice for the top? Meh.

  4. good LORD get over your disappointment of Topher DiMaggio’s bottoming scene! You’ve mentioned it God only knows how many times! I’m GLAD he doesn’t like to bottom and glad when I see tops that don’t like it or want to do it after trying it. I’m a power bottom that doesn’t mind topping once in a while but really hate seeing all these hot tops in porn turn strictly bottom after doing it for the first time. I LOVE a top who loves to top!

  5. Ugh he’s so gorgeous. The accent slays me. And his dick in that last pic clearly tells me he’s happy with what he’s doing.

    Beyond that though, I agree with gymrat100. I wish people would just let tops be tops instead of forcing everyone to bottom eventually. Some people are natural bottoms and some are natural tops, and I’m happy to let everyone do what they’re comfortable doing. Where is the pleasure in watching someone do what they so obviously don’t want to do? God knows the world needs more tops, so just let them be tops.

  6. Like Paddy O’Brian’s second bottoming scene, I suspect and hope that Woody and Paul’s scene will be as hot and romantic. While Paddy O’Brian’s first bottoming scene was so well received, I got more of a rush watching his second flip-flop scene with Gabriel Clark. Looking at the promotional video for Paul Walker and Woody Fox, I can see that they are using the same bed. So I am hoping it is the same producer and that that producer had the same intention for Paul and Woody. It came slowly for me too, but I fell madly for Paul Walker. He simply crept quietly into my fantasies and joined my personal “A” list.

  7. Woody actually has a nice ass, didn’t notice until now. And there’s something about paul’s nipples that makes we wanna suck em.

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