Is This Why You’re Fat?

Fatty Melt

Looks yummy, right? You might not think so once you find out how many calories it has. The latest craze in the blogosphere (besides MANHUNT Daily) is a site called This Is Why You're Fat: Where dreams become heart attacks. This site is dubbed "a celebration of the world's most artery blasting food." Just looking at some of the of the treats spiked my blood pressure.

Can any even imagine devouring a burger that big? How long at the gym would it take to burn that off?

– Bumble Bee

Photo credit: Seriouseats

2 thoughts on “Is This Why You’re Fat?

  1. Man, they have what’s called a McNuggetini, described as “A McDonald’s chocolate milkshake with vanilla vodka, rimmed with BBQ sauce and garnished with a chicken McNugget”. It’s in a martini glass. And this is tame compared to the other items…deep-fried tootsie roll on a stick, deep-fried cupcake covered in chocolate syrup, chicken-fried bacon, chocolate-covered bacon…blech…
    Some of the other stuff looks good, but yes…I would very much like to live to see another day.

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