Leather! And harnesses! And cock rings! Oh my? The Black Party is happening this weekend, and it only seemed fair to dedicate this week’s edition of iPhone Wars to some kinky-ass fellows. While these four photos are much more tame than what you’d actually see at the annual Saint At Large event, we’re willing to overlook that since the subjects are so damn hot…
Who will you be voting for? Will Contestant B win you over with a slight peek at his hairy chest? Or will Contestant D steal the show with his thick, uncut cock? As always, be nice to all of today’s competitors! You don’t have to bring anyone down while showing support for your favorite guy.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Guys With iPhones
To check out the full pics and cast your vote, follow the JUMP:
That was a hard choice!!!
They’re all hot – love C the best… Bonus points for a hot u/c stud who will rock out with his cock out!
WTF is up with all the ill-fitting leather gear though?? Doesn’t anyone know how to buy the proper harness and adjust it correctly anymore?!
Pointers for the uninformed:
It just isn’t hard, people. And for the love of fuckin pete, PLEASE don’t put it on backwards!!!!!!!!!!!
K Thanks Bye.
none of the above
Oops, that should be “love D the best”… Definitely D…
Would totally go to bed with B. Would luv to get my hand down that jumpsuit.
Would marry C.
Or better yet, get sandwiched between B and C. 😛
Damn they’re all into leather wooof. oinks
I was all about C from the preview pics and when the full shots were seen, was still all about C. He has that look of total confidence going on and that is a HUGE turn on for me!
I find that they all look like their overcompensating. They all could spend more time at the gym, not a great hardbody in the group. Fuzzy & Mushy… with some token leather is what I see.
Not a single stand out hottie…average across the board…I’d have picked A, but the mutton chops threw me, so I went with B
not into the leather look at all, but B is so hot with that hairy chest he could do me any time
This was a hard decision. Ended up going with b cuz he has one sexy hairy chest. D you need a hairy chest and then we can go all night long baby!