In Which We Examine Chaos Men’s Bareback Disclaimer…

The majority of the text in this post is copied and pasted directly from here. I discovered this link, which describes Chaos Men‘s policy on condom use and testing, shortly after the site sent out a promo blast about their latest “raw” threesome between beefy straight jocks Darius, Eli and Solomon.

Please take note that the following information does not necessarily represent the views of Manhunt, Manhunt Cares or Manhunt Daily. It is merely presented to you for discussion purposes, regarding the use (or lack of use) of condoms in pornography, reality vs. fantasy and an overall dialogue on safer sex.

So let’s start with a few talking points! If a site like Chaos Men, Sean Cody or Maverick Men provides thorough testing for their performers, are you more comfortable with their bareback scenes over others? Do you think studios who do use condoms should be criticized for not testing their models for other STIs? Discuss amongst yourselves!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Chaos Men

Click through to see more pics and read about the studio’s testing policy:

All About Condom-Free Content

I actually don’t get too many people complaining about the condom-free sex on the site. People want a fantasy or escape, and usually are quite happy to have a visual way to partake in an activity that we all should not normally do casually. I do however get people asking how we handle testing.

So here is an official statement about the content on the site.

This is Entertainment!

If you watch a movie where they blow up a bank, zip-line across the Grand Canyon, or do a 10-mile car chase scene with cars jumping over buses, would you do that in real life? No, I don’t think viewers would do any of those things. I think most viewers are smart enough to know the difference between fantasy and reality. Porn is Fantasy.

There will always be people who say that a movie caused someone to do something or act something out, or a video game caused violence. But that tends to be the exception, not the rule. We are ADULTS here. Not young impressionable children.

And yes, this is entertainment! We provide an outlet for you to enjoy in your own home (or work cubicle ~ahem~). A way for you to safely fantasize about having condom-free sex.

In other words…

Wear a Condom!

We test aggressively before each and every shoot. If you and your partner are monogamous, or you and your new sex-partner have done thorough testing before full-on sex, then I think many couples might eventually decide to put the condoms away.

But if you are doing random hook-ups, then you HAVE to wear a condom! Period!

Newer Testing Methods!

It surprises me that even the most savvy gay guys think that the Old School Antibody test is THE only test out there. When I ask someone about the test they took, they are often not aware which test they had done or that there is even more than one option.

Most people getting tested are using the Antibody test because it is cheap or free, and readily available. You can even do a quick-and-easy mouth swab and have your Antibody results in less than 5 minutes. Since a person may not develop antibodies right away, the window for a false negative is wider. Do this test if your sexual activity is minimal and very safe. There are better tests out there now though. (continued below)

We use a more accurate testing procedure. It is called an HIV DNR/PCR test. It tests for the actual virus. It has a much more accurate window for showing exposure. 6-20 days vs. the Antibody test which can be 2-6 months- though most people will show antibodies in the first 30 days.

It is a much more expensive test, but still widely available. You should have it done if you can afford it. Maybe do this test a couple times a year, and in between, do the Antibody test.

European countries already are using a test made by Abbott Labs that has an even more precise window that can show exposure in as little as 3-12 days. That test passed FDA approval in June of 2011 and they will hopefully roll-out this new test by year end. You can be sure we will be using it, and my guess is, many studios will abandon condoms as well.

Yes We Test!

Every time we do a shoot, we test. It can add up to $300 for each model to be tested before each shoot. It brings the cost of doing a shoot up to $600-900, depending on the number of models in a scene. It can be like wrangling kittens to get models into the labs, especially after their 5th or 6th time testing, so I am constantly reminding them to get them to get in so they don’t miss their shoot. It is one of the many details I track in order to make a shoot happen.

For what I pay in testing, some production companies don’t even pay their models that much for the scene itself. With piracy rampant, it is one expense that many studios don’t take on, so they shoot with condoms. If you enjoy the condom-free videos, it is important you join the site, and fight against piracy. Testing is expensive, and I suspect if you are a member of my site, you enjoy condom-free videos. (continued below)

Major studios that use condoms may not test for anything, thinking condoms are safe enough. HIV is not the only STI out there. STI, or Sexually Transmitted Infection, is the more accurate acronym used these days instead of STD. We also check for common things such as the “Bacterials,” like Gonorrhea and Chlamydia, which really a condom is not going to protect you from. Bacteria spreads easily, from hand to mouth, eye, or jerking-off after taking off a used condom. I find it ironic that those companies take a “superior” attitude because they feel they are having “Safe Sex” with condoms, yet do not even test for the basic STIs that have been around thousands of years.

Bacterias are VERY common and 80 percent of women do not show symptoms, and 50 percent of men don’t, so if you go get tested, PLEASE get yourself checked for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia also. You may not even know you have it. Other STIs tend to be very noticeable and will show dramatic symptoms, but the Bacterials tend to be “silent”- so it is best to check for them.

The Bacterials are very easy to clear-up, sometimes with a one-day massive dose of antibiotics. Some are becoming antibiotic resistant, so it is important to treat them quickly and aggressively.

NO testing is 100 percent accurate. But it has come a long way and the detection level is high and much much earlier.

Where Can You Get Tested?

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Now I’mma let you finish Chaos Men, but Manhunt Cares has one of the best lists of local testing resources available.]

DisLogic While Testing Negative

I gotta call people out on this. If you test Negative, it doesn’t mean you can go out and have condom-free sex. I hear it many times, “Well I was negative, so I thought it would be fine!” Hell, I myself realized that illogical thought process was going through my head. Testing negative just helps you to know that YOU are less likely to spread something, NOT that you won’t catch something.

It seems silly mentioning this. It makes no sense to think this way, but I still see people doing it. BOTH partners need to be tested. It’s not enough that you know YOU are fine! Know your partner’s status, not

In Summary

We test often, using the latest and most accurate testing.

You should wear a condom in your daily sex life, and enjoy the fantasy we create for you.

You should make yourself aware of the latest testing techniques, and you should get tested with these tests as often as you feel appropriate for your sexual activity.

671 thoughts on “In Which We Examine Chaos Men’s Bareback Disclaimer…

  1. “We are ADULTS here. Not young impressionable children.”

    I don’t object to much of what was said above, but jesus is that statement problemative.

    there are studies available on PsychInfo (for those of you with access to research databases) that demonstrate fairly clearly that movies actually *do* have a significant impact on how people behave.  (the stats on how much more likely straight guys are to say they would rape a woman if they could get away with it are *frightening* and go up dramatically right after they’ve been shown horror movies with graphic sexual violence.) 

    there’s a multi-billion dollar advertizing industry for a reason…images affect us.  no one wants to admit it, but if you’ve ever felt insecure in your own body, if you’ve ever been made hungry by an ad for food, you know it’s true.  being affected by advertizing and media is not something only “impressionable children” experience, and saying anything else is an outright lie.

  2. While I think this is an important subject to bring up, I think at this point it’s kindof been discussed to death on this web site and I don’t think anyone is going to convince anyone else to change their mind.

    It’s always going to come down to two camps: one who believes that people are smart enough to not have bareback sex in real life just because they see it in a fantasy porn movie and another who believes that the more you show bareback sex, the more acceptable it becomes to people who may or may not be smart enough or experienced enough to know how, when, and where to get tested and how HIV/STIs spread.

    I personally don’t think condoms make hot sex between hot guys on screen any less arousing and I can’t help but wonder when I watch bareback scenes: did I just watch some guy get infected?  Did that human being just catch a life-threatening disease for my masturbatory entertainment?  But I also don’t think I’m going to be able to change the mind of anyone who doesn’t agree with me, so I’m moving on…

  3. So the exposure window for the type of test they use is up to 2o days? And that makes it “thorough”?

    Not all of us are suckers.

  4.  100% agree with the above. SOME people might be able to disassociate the difference between fantasy and what they’ll do in real life, but why perpetuate the fantasy? Why get guys fantasizing that condom-free sex is so much better and hotter, when it’s still too risky for most hookup/sexual situations?

    I am impressed with the level of accuracy and testing they provide their models, but I still get quite angry at condom-free porn companies. It’s just too irresponsible. They know they can sell more videos this way, so to hell with the models (okay, at least on this site they’re being pretty considerate to them) and to hell with the social ramifications, as long as they make a fast buck.

    Typical bullshit to make their consciences feel better… if they didn’t know it was problematic, they wouldn’t have taken the time to write such a long disclaimer.

  5. and btw… for me, it’s the models and the chemistry they have that makes a scene hot, not whether they wear condoms or not.

  6. I like what you said but it is up to level headed consensual adults to deiced how things affect them and what they see.
    even if one guy is not bright about what he is doing the guy he meets should @ least have a level head about it all.
    We do not have to go along with what is wanted and have the right to refuse no matter how appealing the idea may be.
    I personally like to watch bare back porn but it does not mean I will do it with anyone except my Husband!
    And even though we may go over a year without hooking up for a 3some we still get tested every 3 months for all STI’s or STD’s what ever you want to say.

    But I I am defiantly happy about the fact this company cares enough to try and keep all of the actors safe and have concerns about what is going on with them in the shootings!

  7. On a side note, I find it odd that there are many posts on manhunt daily about this topic. Yet Corbin Fisher is never mentioned. CF was doing BB scenes long before Sean Cody started doing theirs. 

  8. adults who can make informed decisions? take a quick run-through of MH profiles and see just how many 20-somethings are HIV positive. They had to get the notion that unsafe sex is better and hotter from somewhere!
    Saddens me.

  9. To be honest I would rather see a topic about why guys on sites like ManHunt insist on using pictures and info from 10 to 15 years ago.
    I mean seriously do you really think a guy is not gonna turn you down once they meet you in person because you think they will be horny enough @ the meeting to go for it anyways?
    Every thing starts and ends with honesty, trust & mutual respect first! You can not have anything without it even a friendship!
    And just because someone says they play safe it does not mean they still want to play with or seek someone out who is Positive.
    Just be honest people and let someone make an informed decision before they take the time to get to know you!

  10. What’s equally sad is that the three men here are clearly gay but have to be marketed as ‘straight’ to appeal to self loathing hetero-chasers.

  11. I like that this keeps on coming up as a point of discussion.  As it is over 20 years now of people having an acute awareness of the dangers of unprotected sex, we seem culturally, to be at a point of ‘awareness fatigue’.  Discussions such as this one keeps that going and new information is shared.  In this post alone I learned about the new testing coming down the pipeline, though my boyfriend and I did get the DNR/PCR in our most recent testing.

    I recently saw an NPR article about a California law that would require condom use for all males in adult films.  There seems to be serious resistance to such a measure in the straight porn industry, and I find that…odd.  Straight Porn seems never to use condoms and no one (aside from the framers of the law) seems to mind. 

    This style of condomless porn, I have to admit is hot.  Side question, are the guys with shaved heads brothers?  I’m pretending they are because that makes it really hot. 

    While the images we see may have influence on our behaviours, the way we attain that fantasy for ourselves can be approached in many ways.  I say, if you see condom-less sex in porn and really want that for yourself, then that is insentive for building sound relationships with someone with whom you can share that.  Is it a 100% assurance that even in a stable ‘monogomous’ relationship you aren’t taking more of risk by abstaining from condom use?  Of course not.  It’s called safer sex for a reason. 

    Also, I have always used condoms with any hook-ups or short term relationships and I’ve still managed to get tagged by bacterials a couple of times, and I’ve never shown signs of them when I’ve contracted them.  While they are easy enough to treat, it still blows going through that, and having to call people that you might not know that well, just to say…hey…you might want to get tested…so really, condoms are best used but never to be relied upon. 

    my thoughts thanks for reading if you have.

  12. The real reason condom use is down is because we’re not watching our friends die on a monthly basis anymore from AIDS.  Attending funerals had a much greater impact on my behavior than pornography.  For better or worse, HIV is a somewhat manageable disease now – until that changes, I don’t think condom use will rise again.  Personally I hate condoms, that’s why I got married and gave up casual sex.  Win win!

  13. No condoms – no watching for me. 

    Stunt people take precautions when they are performing in a film. Someone who jumps from a building doesn’t land on concrete. 

  14. Everyone makes really great comments!  Its good that healthy discussion can take place on this very explosive issue! 

  15. Excellent post, I believe even when this site is more about sex and porn, we can’t put aside a topic such this, specially the recommendations about the new tests available. Sex is great but I guess it is not worthy to have few minutes of pleasure in exchange for a life marked by a disease and all the struggles it might bring. Therefore I agree with seafe sex even when it is not 100% safe. Monogamous relationship even better (personal opinion), fantasy is fantasy and lets enjoy it as it is, but real life is what matters, therefore lets be concious abut risks and do not expose ourselves and others to that.

  16. blah, blah, blah, I’m not reading all those paragraphs above. lol. It’s not me having raw sex, so who cares! It’s 2012, if you’re dumb enough to fuck without a condom you deserve whatever you get. Now lets see some porn. 

  17. Excellent article, this topic brings out the big bro attitude in me, because I think condoms should be used for intercourse every single time.  I will show you how good it feels to be safe and to let yourself get fucked by someone wearing a condom.  It will feel good and turn you on.  Don’t worry.

    These porn producers advocate personal safety and the responsibility for getting tested, but it  rings hollow.  Particularly egregious is the ‘we’re all adults here’ logic that attempts to deny the very influential-ness  they are hoping to achieve as a business or brand.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all gays like porn.  This is not difficult to predict how attitudes will shift based on the media presented to us.  Not every gay adult acts like an adult, let alone one who is intelligent or informed!  Not even half of the men I’ve dated (and not slept with) in Los Angeles this year were intelligent or informed;  yet all seemed to be highly suggestible to trends in branding and marketing.  That’s the real problem.     Porn makers need to take some responsibility here, and they’re acting weak and nelly, blaming the rest of the world for getting HIV instead of being part of a solution.

    Someone is in charge of coordinating the testing of the models,  really?  Well, Americans like to make rules and regulations in order to live by, because they enjoy the experience of breaking them and getting away with something.  If we actually believe that every single one of these models gets tested every single time, we’re dumb and gullible.  Further, if we actually believe that testing models before a bareback shoot can eliminate the possibility of transferring hiv or other germs to someone, we’re dumb and gullible. 

    No matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient condoms are, the science and the facts about HIV will not lie no matter  how a bunch of queens who make porn try to spin it. 

  18.  Why perpetuate the fantasy? Why get guys fantasizing that sex with porn stars is so much better and hotter, when they’re unlikely to bed anyone nearly as hot as the performers they watch?

    Nobody’s holding a gun to the heads of any porn performers. They choose the business, they choose whether to work for particular studios, and they can choose not to perform in condom-free scenes if they don’t want to (though they may have to change companies if they’ve signed to an all-bareback studio).

    And perhaps the reason they write the disclaimer is not that they think their own actions are problematic, but because they know some people are going to squawk and scream because it’s “just not right”.

  19. That’s what makes it hot *for you*. For some, it doesn’t matter what the models look like as long as what they *do* is hot. Some guys are turned off by lots of “porn talk”; others love it and get more worked up. You’re assuming that everyone else’s reaction to porn is just like yours, and it’s not.

  20. bearbacking may be hot to watch a fantasy, but really guys.. it’s not cool, especially when porn stars and others are putting it in everything and anything.. don’t fool yourselves. be responsible to yourselves and your partners health.. this is hardly a venue for responsible dialogue on safe sex, Dewitt..

  21. What makes me nervous is these guys test negative during that 6-20 days before the shoot, but who is “watching” the “models” to make sure they aren’t sharing needles or having unprotected sex with girls or guys before they show up for their shoot?

    Additionally, I agree with those of you who said that the models, chemistry, action on screen is more of a turn on rather than the lack of condom.  Personally, I canceled my Sean Cody account when they started doing bareback scenes.

  22. First of all, “beefy STRAIGHT jocks” my ass! Not with the sex talk in that clip. I applaud Chaos Men for their honesty, which is more than you’ll find on other bareback sites, as well as the dollars they spend on testing. I also agree with their take on fantasy vs. reality. We’re all adults here, and it’s not my fault if a generation of young men never had “the talk” with their parents or paid attention in sex education class. You can lead a person to knowledge, but you can’t make them think.

  23. Regardless on which test they are using, it sadden me to hear that sooner or later the performers  will end up hiv+. What measures do they use to protect the sex workers? Studios care about profit but they invest nothing to the welfare of performers… In the end, the public has to big up the mess which could have prevented in the first place.  Do they receive Work Comp if they can relate the infection originated from the work?

  24. Cowboy I read GraphicJack comments and nowhere does he state that he is speaking for the majority and fact he began his last comment  with BTW… for me  the models and the chemistry makes a scene hot and I two am in 100% agreement with Graphic on that !!!

  25. So wait, you’re on GraphicJack’s back because he said what makes porn hot for HIM?? Where did he assume that his reaction to porn is like everyone else’s? If he did imply that I surely must have missed it. geez.

    Anyway, I agree with you GraphicJack about what makes a porn hot though, the same goes for what gets me turned on in real life.

  26. nothing hotter than watching a fat dick fuck a hairy man pussy raw. Love watching a guy cum up another guys and then fuck the cum deeper into his hole. damn its so hot. yet i would in real life never fuck anyone bareback and would let no one fuck me bareback. I think that we all realize the danger off participating in such actions and if one chooses to still do it; so be it. Common sense people. Use it.

  27. So, let’s imagine a day when there’s a cure, or the vaccine’s being tested now work…does that alter how we feel about condom use?

    Honestly, this is just a question.

  28. Condom or no condom, fantasy or reality, it a choice that we all have to make. We also need to be reminded that there is much more out there than HIV. Cyphilis, herpes, crotch lice, an incurable form of ghonerea. The list goes on, and condoms do not protect us from everything, it s important to have some knowledge of who you re about to fuck . Get ideas from how much they re online, what they say in their profile, and if they seem to care about themselves. For example, someone w a screen name of sataniccumslutwsboy should step up the red flag.  Then worry about the condoms, they are not the only way to be safe, knowing is half the battle.

  29. These studio’s cannot have it both ways  they are marketing BB sex and than have the audacity to put up a disclaimer  talking about all testing that they ( the studio’s ) put the model through . If the models use the necessary precautions such STUPID disclaimers are not necessary . The Studio’s would have U 2 believe that they are concearned about the models health when in fact they do not give a DAM about the models health because at the end of the day the only thing the studio’s are concearned about is there  MONEY !!!

  30. Hey BJH, when I saw your reply I had to do a double-take because I thought that the site had mysteriously re-packaged my reply, LOL!!

    Dont get where Cowboy was going with his comment though–I’m gonna assume: perhaps nowhere??

  31. [EDITOR’S NOTE: Now I’mma let you finish Chaos Men, but Manhunt Cares has one of the best lists of local testing resources available.]lololol. appreciated.anywho, thanks for the message and info! (and the hot scene).

  32. For everyone who says that the studios are just out for money, of course they are, they are a business. They make porn not educational films. If there wasn’t a demand for bareback they would not film it. The reason studios, like Sean Cody, who didn’t do bareback before but are now is to keep customers who are going to other sites that do. We can be as self righteous as we want, but bottom line they are a business and will do what is necessary to stay in business and if we want them to change we have to start by not demanding the things we say we are against.

  33. Strange world we’re living in Master Jack. Most bad things that happen in live are blamed on movies or what ever. Some even going on about more personal things than nesseccary. Why can’y we just enjoy whats been given to us what we are affraid to do ourself? What and how the studio’s are screaning their models are part of their rules. Why take them apart for that? Point is, look at yourself and how you have been braufgt up as a child. If you were taught dissapline and been thaught right from wrong, you will be able to enjoy the fantasy that’s been given to you by the studio and know how to act in real life. If you have been braught up in a violent childhood, you WILL be violent in life doesn’t matter watching movies or not. That’s part of your life how you have been taught. So stop blaming studio’s, movies ads and blame your family situation and what you have been taught.

  34. In all the the hundreds of porns I have watched on the internet I probably couldn’t even tell you after I’m finished if the performers were wearing condoms or not.  I mean is wearing condoms really such a boner killer?   what does a almost invisible layer of latex do that is so “unsexy” during penetration… I do not understand this at all… I wouldn’t care if tomorrow it became law that condoms were required for all porn… because 1. it’s safer for the models and society and 2. I find no difference in sex appeal between porn with condoms without.

  35. As a negative 20 something I have to somewhat disagree with you. Yes some guys ( regardless of age) might find bareback sex hot. Not all will actually partake in that act themselves.

    That being said…. Another reason why younger gays tend to be positive can also be lack of education on the matter. Here in Canada we were taught about sex and STIs in high school.
    Unfortunately however they are trying to take sex Ed out of schools here in Canada which would be a huge step back.

    From what I know sex Ed is not taught in high schools in the USA due to many conservative thinking people who would rather have their children learn about abstinence. However this does have an effect on society because look at what is happening… Miseducated teens have little to no knowledge about sex and you end up with a staggering number of young people either having children wayyyy too young and contracting STIs.

    All I’m saying is please don’t generalize and automatically assume that people are getting HIV or what not because they find it hot. That comment is a generalization that is not 100% accurate and somewhat offensive.

  36. Who really enjoys wearing a condom or watching someone fuck someone with a condom? Honestly…what is wrong with everyone here. This isn’t 80’s bathhouse America anymore. Is that to say HIV and other diseases aren’t a big threat? Absolutely not.  But who honestly calls themselves gay here if you can’t watch someone have sex without a condom? I personally can’t watch porn were “actors” are wearing condoms. The layer of latex does mean that much…especially in this world of “fantasy.” And in reality,  bareback sex is as real as gay sex gets. Plan and simple.

  37. Good lord people. If you don’t use condoms, you’ll get HIV. It’s not that complicated. Kids learn this in school. Abstinence is even better at preventing HIV. Castration is probably even better, though I haven’t seen any statistics, and I don’t know if the government pays for that yet.

  38. I think to say ” if you dont use condoms you WILL get AIDS” is extreme and narrow minded. you can wrap it up in 3 condoms and a titanium slip cover, shit still happens. And until ALL porn movies include a fucking dental dam I guess were ALL contributing to the epidemic through the visual medium!
    However, I am not a fan of the bareback porn. For me, I look at it like piss movies or that scary fisting bondage stuff, Its a fetish but not a fettish of mine. To each their own. Who am I to judge what porn people star in/make/buy?

  39.  And CF’s really sleazy, too. I remember one where the top went in bare for a few minutes, and THEN put on a condom.  In another one, the top was wearing only the ring of the condom. Don’t even get me started on the bi and “bi” scenes! Corbin Fisher is disgusting.

  40. fuck me dead!  i thought we were living in the world’s biggest “Nanny State” here!
    Of course raw sex is hotter than condoms, doing it or watching it ,,, same same!

    freedom of choice ,,, do the checks, make a decision, do your own risk assessment, and live with the consequences!

    we make decisions every day ,,, driving a car on the road, playing football, dangerous sports ,,, you can’t eliminate risk , you just minimise it ,,,

  41. i think bare back is hotter to watch and to do. condoms suck. and they are an important necessity in order to stay negative. the scene is hot and the disclaimer makes sense. i think that if its true then theres nothing wrong with it. 

  42. I yeald others opinion here about the need for sites to falsely market some of these guys as ‘straight’
    Yeh, OK a few may be, most actually not! but its 2012 – do they really think were all as thick as donkey shit !?!

  43. I find it very interesting that back in the day when there was no condom use and HIV/AIDS became a huge health factor. They were pushing the use of condoms to prevent the disease from spreading. along with other STDs. Now it seems porn companies/sites are going backwards and doing condom free videos. Yes I am aware some some guys like to fantasize about doing it condom free. But why are these studios so much wanting too do it without protection? They would rather spend even more money making sure these guys stay healthy and not use condoms than have them being protected and not have to make a huge effort and cash and go the other way? Cry me a say no condoms then deal with the expense..

  44. Actors portraying murderers, robbers, thieves, etc. are acting–they’re not committing the crime!  The “models” are actually having unsafe sex!  I’ve seen too many friends die horrible deaths because of AIDS, the younger generation just doesn’t get it.  It makes me very uncomfortable to see these unsafe practices going on.  I don’t watch them, but these practices are still taking place.

  45. Your friends got AIDS because they practiced unsafe sex after viewing a porn  showing bareback? I don’t get it, where does personal responsibility begin, we love to point to anything but ourselves.

  46. Bryan I agree with you 100%  I take no objection to the business aspect of the porn industry  however I do object to there disclaimers because it feels as if they are placing making money ahead of staying safe . Bryan getting tested is KNOWLEDGE but staying HEALTHY is PREVENTION and that what I think the studio’s should be promoting . I will be the first to say that money is a very valuable tool ( cannot live with out it ) but is not worth contacting  HIV !

  47. Cortez U completely  missed Tedtx52 point he was speaking about the countless of  hundreds of thousands ( perhaps millions ) that have died from this treacherous disease  of course we all have to be responsible for our choice s that we make in life but for those us who  are old enough to remember back in the day when people where dropping like flies because  nobody had a clue as to what this disease was unlike so many other disease MS, Cancer ET…. HIV/AIDS is relevantly new  HIV first became prominent during the Reagen Presidency ( LOL I know many of the younger folks think that was a eternity ago )  But back N the day the only choice that you had was to DIE ! There  where no meds or cocktails  science was completely caught off guard and People where afraid to stand or sit  next to someone with the disease , would not drink from the same cup afraid to breath the same air , some Doctors & Nurse where afraid to touch AIDS /HIV patients and the young kids  remember Ryan Wright ( I think that was his name ) he was teased his friends stop playing with him and I believe he was forced out of school and he contacted AIDS/HIV through a blood transfusion. So Cortez you are correct about personal choices but let us not forget about the countless of many who had NO CHOICES at all !

  48.  Agreed, but what I’m saying is if customers didn’t want bareback scenes the studios wouldn’t make them. The popularity of bareback went up and suddenly studios that didn’t or wouldn’t do it are doing it because that is what sells. I feel that they make warnings and disclaimers because they know that barebacking is unsafe and they hope that the people watching will not engage in it. Also if enough of them give warnings then maybe the demand will go back down and condoms can be profitable again. I personally only care about the passion and intensity of a scene. The presence or lack of a condom doesn’t make or break the scene for me. I do however, feel sorry for and somewhat disappointed in my favorite actors when I see them give in to money and/or studio pressures when they do bareback. Bottom line though is that WE are the ones responsible for bareback scenes, not the studios, because we either demand them or watch them. If you want it to change contact the studios and let them know that you and your money want condoms, and if enough of us do that then condoms will be back.

  49.  So you dislike having protected sex and or watching porn with condoms?  Again this is what I don’t understand.  Call me easily pleased, but I always have a good time and I always where a condom… and like I said I enjoy porn with condoms just as much as porn without… so I guess I’m the person you were referring too… I don’t have bb sex and even if I did I would be so worried it wouldn’t be enjoyable.

  50. Bryan once again you get no argument from me it appears that we are on the same wave length but perhaps with a  somewhat different approach, Bryan this  discussion   may never see the light of day but none the less  worthy of having just the same .

  51. Agreed….I was actually considering buying a membership again, but now I refuse to. Sean Cody used to be classy about it because they never made a big deal out of their models wearing condoms, it was just about the hot sex and hot guys. Now they have big red banners “Model 1 and Model 2:BAREBACK”. They’re selling scenes now based on what is an unhealthy practice in general outside of a monogamous relationship. YES, porn is fantasy, and yes we’re all adults, but to market a potential real-world health danger as hot….isn’t. I keep wondering like a poster above if any of those models are dicking around without a condom on their time away from Sean Cody. It’s simple to lie. It’s also simple to put a condom on and eliminate a LOT (though not every) risk.

  52. Frankly, I wish Sean Cody and other sites would not do bareback at all, but if they must, only do it once in a while. Unsafe sex is unsafe sex, whether you test or not.

  53. I have to admit that I was close to canceling my Sean Cody account until they went BB.   Now I’m close to canceling my Falcon Studios account.   After watching BB on SC and Corbin, the magically appearing condom in other videos just seems so stupid.   And if guys really are passing each other on a rural dirt road and decide to fuck, chances are it would be bare.

  54.  And just how will it become “my problem”? Higher insurance premiums to cover HIV+ porn stars?  I’m already paying for obese people who can’t stop shoveling food into their faces, alcoholics who can’t stop abusing their livers and smokers who can’t stop barbecuing their lungs. As much as I’d like to vote these people off the island, nobody asked me how I’d like my tax money spent. Like it or not, I’m stuck with a government that condones that type of behavior while trying to outlaw who I choose to love or how I choose to make love to him (kind of like the alcohol vs. pot analogy: one kills thousands of people every year and the other one is illegal–go figure!) The point of my rant is this: if you want to live in a nanny state, go right ahead, but the last guy who tried to impose his will on others wore a brown shirt and sported a real small mustache.

  55. Of course, if ChaosMen, Sean Cody and the rest are so confident about their testing and supposed safety precautions, then will they be willing to stop putting clauses in the performers’ contracts that prevent them from suing the company if they get HIV or an STD?

    I’ll respect the studios ONLY when they announce that they will pay for their performers medical bills and treatment for LIFE if they contract HIV while performing for them.

    They are employers, like any other employer in this country.  As such, they are required by law to create a safe working environment.  They are NOT expected to create financial incentives for people to do dangerous things.

    A construction company can’t decide that since some of their custmers don’t like the look of hardhats that at certain sites, they won’t be using them.  And they certainly can’t pay those who work at those sites more money for their risk.  They’d be shut down immediately for endangering their workers.

    Yes, we claim that the performers are adults and can make their own decisions.  Yet, in an industry where drug use is rampant, and the financial incentives are so high, judgement can be seriously impaired.

    I’m a waiter.  Years ago, I worked in restaurants and clubs before smoking bans.  I knew that second-hand smoke was dangerous, but there were few, if any smoke-free restaurants in those days, and I needed the money.  Financial incentive clouds jusdgement.  And I developed athsma from the second hand-smoke I was exposed to.  I’ll have that for life.  But at least it’s not a much deadly disease that will require expensive treatments for the rest of my life.

    Employers are not allowed to endanger the lives and welfare of their employees. 

    I’m amazed that people are defending this taking advantage of the performers when we all know that the companies are reaping all the profits, but assuming NONE of the risks.

  56. I do.

    Some of us actually don’t enjoy watching people risk their lives.  And some of us absolutely refuse to contrubute to the financial incentivization of helping people to kill themselves.  

     Some of us aren’t that selfish.

    It’s that simple. 

    It’s called morality. 

    You should try it some time.

  57. watch movies with drug use…dont do drugs…watch movies with ciogarette smoking…dont smoke…watch movies with bareback fucking…dont do BB…i am a fucking adult…dont need lectures on what to do…i know…actions have consequences…next problem…if anyone needs help growing up, pop ur mommas titty out of ur mouth n move on…next!!!

  58. The owner of the Chaosmen still does not explain how they treat the “window” period. Irregardless of how less time it takes to form antibodies with the new DNR/PCR test, there still is a period of 6-20 days from testing where someone can test negative but actually be positive. What do they do in this time frame? Quarantine the actors?
    I highly doubt it. Besides the integrity of the testing standards that he holds his studio up to are only as good as the integrity of the actors themselves. Are they going to abstain from sex outside of the porn shoot? Again, highly doubt this.

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