“I’m Openly & Responsibly HIV+”

More and more, I am seeing folks on Manhunt, Jack’d and elsewhere making honest statements about their HIV statuses and the kind of sex that gets them off. While we’re not quite at the point where we can celebrate the end of all stigma, it feels like we’re taking a step in the right direction with individuals openly advertising that they’re poz-friendly, undetectable or recently tested.

In saying this, I don’t mean to hold up Manhunt member aplusss as the poster boy for this concept. He’s got a lot more going on for him beyond his HIV status, describing himself as a “fit, creative, alternative, playful, smart, passionate, aware, atypical guy with some mad skills”… Oh, and did I mention he’s extremely attractive with some bad-ass profile pictures? Because there’s that, too.

– Dewitt

Check out additional pictures of Manhunt member aplusss below:







Head over here to view his full profile or send him a message.



5 thoughts on ““I’m Openly & Responsibly HIV+”

  1. This guy is HOT. And it’s nice to see the HIV stigma slowly fading away. It’s no longer a guaranteed death sentence like it used to be. I think most guys realize that it’s now a very manageable virus, so they’re becoming more honest with their status. Kudos!!

  2. Handsome face and an awesome body!
    Sounds like a great guy and a healthy attitude as well.

    Someone I use to date from Japan now lives up in Canada and due to an ill timed mistake is Poz now as well and posts a lot about it on his Facebook page.

    He is a student working on his Masters in the study of the Human brain and ways to understand it’s workings as well as how to possibly repair damaged area’s of it.

    Smart guy, great attitude and good looks as well.

    It’s just like cancer, when I was young, anyone diagnosed with it was to be avoided. Takes time to learn, understand and put aside stigma’s.

  3. Thanks 4 featuring this, Dewitt.
    While it’s a personal choice to disclose or not, HIV status is the last thing people should lie about on hook-up sites. Too many dick liars already

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