Who do you think I am, Boulangerié Knowles? The good news is that Los Angeles trio HAIM have a habit of churning out addictive pop-rock tunes that call to mind such diverse influences as Fleetwood Mac and Destiny’s Child. The bad news is that they’re three sisters who don’t have big hard cocks or round bubble butts, so as I’ve previously noted, most of you won’t care about them.
Nevertheless, this is their excellent new single “The Wire”:
Unlike their previous two efforts “Don’t Save Me” and “Falling“, this one didn’t bludgeon me over the head with an impossibly catchy chorus. My initial thoughts were that, maybe, the ladies just lucked out and can’t live up to the hype. And then, moments later, I found myself humming the melody and going back for five or six consecutive listens. This was more of a grower than a shower for me, yet I’ve heard tales from folks who were sold the moment they hit the play button.
Look, I’m not going to be mad if you don’t love this, but it’s miles ahead in terms of songwriting and structure than, say, fellow sibling trio the Jonas Brothers… But, oh well, nobody is going to care, since none of them look like this with their shirts off! Not that I’m bitter or anything.
– Dewitt
Fun song…and apparently they’re all over Spotify