I’m Going To Get Gangbanged Bareback To The New Arcade Fire Song!

Hello, Manhunt Daily readers! My name is Gay Art Student, and I’d like to invite you all to my exhibition on Sunday. When I heard that another gay art student would be losing his virginity to his best friend in an upcoming performance piece, I decided to do what every artist dreams to do—be better than him before he even has a chance to debut his work!

You see, I am a virgin too, and I am going to open the doors of a local gallery on Sunday to let anyone who walks through the door to anally penetrate me without a condom. There will be a monitor (my ex-girlfriend from high school!) making sure that all participants forgo rubbers and unload inside of my young, virgin boy pussy. I even send a handwritten invitation to my old football coach (who once tried to sexually assault me), telling him that I want every drop of his cum inside of me. I can’t wait to feel his strong arms holding me down, as he pumps a warm load deep into my anal cavity and calls me his “dirty little faggot cunt” like the old days.

Don’t be worried if you’re shy! Anyone who doesn’t want to fully participate can either watch, fuck my throat or just jerk off onto my face. I am a canvas for you to paint with your semen! There will actually be another special helper collecting any cum that falls onto the floor and rubbing it onto my lips… And I didn’t even tell you the best part! The whole thing will be set to a soundtrack of Arcade Fire‘s new song “Afterlife” on repeat:

Conceptually, I feel as if the repetition of the song echoes the repetition of the dicks thrusting in and out of my cum-starved hole. It’s all very Warholian or something! I don’t really know, because I don’t pay attention in any of my art history courses. My professor is too hot, and I hope he comes to my exhibition and breeds me this weekend.

I mean, like, the key thing about performance art is that it should only be performed once, and this is the ultimate once-in-a-lifetime performance. I’ve held on to my virginity for forever years, and I’m not throwing it away lightly. Basically it’s like I am losing the stigma around virginity!

I want the audience to see if anything has changed between me and my partners. Since culturally we do hold quite a lot of value to the idea of virginity, I have decided to use mine and the loss of it to create a piece that I think will, like, stimulate interesting debate and questions regarding the subject!

But, oh man! I can’t wait to be fucked raw by so many anonymous cocks for the sake of art! For now, I gotta go Google some douching tips and invest in some desensitizing products so I don’t get too sore from all the relentless ass pounding that’s going to go down. Hope to see you at the exhibition!

– Gay Art Student

His the play button above and scroll through these GIFs of things I want done to me:

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire

gay art student bareback gangbang to arcade fire



24 thoughts on “I’m Going To Get Gangbanged Bareback To The New Arcade Fire Song!

  1. Nice way to promote HIV transmission Manhuntdaily.
    We should all be so tolerant to your bullshit and inject ourselves with it right away.
    WHy not?

  2. Yeah, I’m all for sarcasm or attempting to satirize something and everything- but the writing in this article is extremely tasteless.

  3. when ur asshole looks like a vagina and getting fucked looks like throwin a toothpick down a hall way its time to maybe top for abit lol

  4. A) No one is (hopefuflly not) forcing you to have sex w/o a condom, or B) forced you to click a link that clearly goes against your personal views.

  5. Humans have been having sex for thousands of years before condoms came along. It’s not gonna stop because you find it distasteful.

  6. In no way do I find sex distasteful, what I do question is the lack of taking precautions in order to save ones life. That is not distasteful, it is absolute stupidity.

  7. People like you give us a bad name . You’re not an artist. You even aren’t a whore. You are as insane as this sick filth that you pomote.

  8. I get the point, but having sex w/o a condom doesn’t automatically mean one will get a disease. Now I never said one shouldn’t be cautious, but to keep telling people that something is bad for them sometimes invites them to do it just to be contrary.

  9. What? I wasn’t trying to be profound (yeah, I got the sarcasm). Just pointing out that you purposefully clicked on a link that you knew you wouldn’t like just to go off on a rant (and yes, I know that’s sort of what I did to respond to your initial post).

    No one likes to be constantly told that something natural that they’re doing is bad/wrong/ugly/disease promoting. Advocate precautions yes, but don’t be a dick about it.

  10. You are probably not old enough to have had the experience of going to funerals for your friends several times a week at the height of the AIDS crisis. They were dying horrible deaths, that is something I can never forget, lucky for me I have always been a top. It took quite some time to discover that the main source of infection was anal sex without protection and precaution. HIV has been made light of these days and the younger generation has begun to throw caution to the wind. It is no longer an immediate death sentence as before but why play Russian roulette with your life ?

  11. I sympathize w/you on the loss of your friends. I’m only advocating that what well informed, consenting adults do with each other is their business, and we have no right to impose our views onto anyone who chooses to engage in any sexual activity that they share w/one another.

  12. I agree with you, but if I can make just one man think twice before he acts unsafely then I feel that I will have accomplished the saving of one person from a miserable life of constant medication and possibly death.

  13. I really hope this is a parody post and that some crazed attention whore isn’t really planning on doing this in the name of their “art”.

  14. ya people do this all the time you know the whole butt sex thing, hell even as I type this someone is getting some so why would this be considered are art? so is making tea but I don’t see it as something that fill a art show I don’t see why this should be given so much attention

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