Here’s a cute lil’ vid by SMBC Theater. A son comes out to his parents, who (shockingly) are unsure about how this whole “gay” thing works. Do you know the number of straight people, both men and women, who have tried to harness my supposed “gay powers?” No, I do not want to go shopping with you, Jenn. I just met you. I am not the human version of a purse or a brooch.
Truth is, this video also got posted cuz’ the guy playing the son is super-cute. We’d like to get INTO those cargo shorts he mentions he’s wearing. If anyone sees him on Manhunt, let us know.
– J. Harvey
To watch “Orientation,” Follow the JUMP:
Okay, that was fucking hysterical!!!
Hilarious !
I have his shirt and love it! lol great video
So very funny I love it. Reminds me a bit of my parents.
._. Â Ok. Â I laughed.
“- What do you offer?
– Sodomy and Cocktails!!”
just Awesome
Lots of Dutch Kisses… from Egbert
in The Hague from The Netherlands
Pitty that i Live in The Netherlands in The Hague now i cant see the Awesome play in de
and have a drink with a nice american or Canedian Guy
I actually own that shirt, holy crap. I even have the Dragonzord tee.
Go Go Power Rangers!
Hehehe oh man that was awesome 😀
*looks at his Iron Man t-shirt and old sneakers* I don’t believe i’m tv gay either.
 Sodomy & cocktails  FUCKING HALARIOUS  !!!
I’m digging the Were-Gay! Awesome!
sodomy & cocktails thats the deal that got me lol
Well, really. With an offer of sodomy and cocktails who wouldn’t go gay?
That was priceless – love the “Were-gay” comment!!
LMAO! I love this vid. LMAO!
Fucking funny! Let’s see how long it takes before “were-gay” shows up in Wikipedia.
Sooooo funny!!!