Meet Sgt. Scott Moore with the 3rd Battalion 2nd Marines. He sent this smoove missive to Black Swan actress Mila Kunis from Musa Qala, Afghanistan, asking her to accompany him to the Marine Corps Ball this November. Jackie Burkhart, you better go! He’s obviously got balls (risking his life for our country AND risking a faceplant if she declines) and he’s cute! A hot baldie in shades swaggering up in military garb can ALWAYS guarantee my face eventually shoved into the pillows. Hey Scotty, if she can’t make it – my ball gown is ready and I put out on the first date. Obviously.
And it turns out Mila Kunis is a pretty cool chick.
– J. Harvey
To watch Sgt. Moore’s invitation to Natalie Portman’s imaginary scissor sister, Follow the JUMP:
It’s KUNIS, Harvey, not KULIS.
This would have been more exciting had he been asking somone like a MAN to go to the ball, instead of a fish.
Looks like she accepted.
aw. This is such a cute little video. Awesome that she apparently accepted.
Ummm… Her name is Mila KUNIS! Not Mila KULIS. She’s the cute chick that was in ‘That 70’s Show’ and stars opposite extremely fuckable Justin Timberlake in the new movie ‘Friends With Benefits’!
just do it
Thats fucking great! Did she accept? If she didn’t, I’d be happy to take her place….
So if I make a video where I invite David Beckham to the White Party, is he obligated to go with me?