Hot Flash: The Extraordinarily Sexy Models Of The Male Form

Do you like looking at naked men? If you are reading this sentence, then the answer is probably “yes”. The good news is that there are over 300 naked men waiting for you on high quality photography site The Male Form. The bad news is that, unlike Manhunt, these guys aren’t (all) available for you to potentially bang.

Oh well! Sometimes looking can be better than touching, and The Male Form has made looking a little bit easier by redesigning their model pages and offering a full-frontal promise. The shots below should give you a good taste of what’s available, even if the cropping is a bit of a tease.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: The Male Form

Check out a handful of recent shots from photography site The Male Form below:

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

Hot male models naked on photography site The Male Form.

See more hot, naked men like this on THE MALE FORM.



3 thoughts on “Hot Flash: The Extraordinarily Sexy Models Of The Male Form

  1. I don’t know, the tenth from the top, and also the top picture of the man with a caliper tatt looked a little stoned, though it’s undeniable they are all looking hot.

  2. It looks like someone got too overzealous with photoshop on one side of his face. It looks more like a painting than a picture.

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