Honey, I Just Chopped Off My Penis…


A man in Wales was so desperate to become a woman he took matters into his own hands… literally. He cut off his own penis in his bathroom after learning he'd have to wait two years for gender reassignment surgery.

Ouch! Just the thought gives me the chills. Roland Mery, a 61-year-old married father-of-four, lost nearly two pints of blood but luckily survived. Mery says, "I had worked out exactly how I would do it and rehearsed it many
times… I had rehearsed the whole thing over and over.
So when it came to actually doing it, the pain wasn’t an issue anymore. My priority was to just get rid of it all, but I obviously had to be very careful. When I was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital afterwards, the doctor told me I had actually done quite a good job!”

Well, as long as he researched and rehearsed it! I'm definitely kidding, giving yourself surgery sounds like the worst idea ever. Like… worse than this. Check out the full article here.

Thanks Tabloid Prodigy for the tip!

– Andy

6 thoughts on “Honey, I Just Chopped Off My Penis…

  1. I’ve heard of people doing this before, but still… ouch.
    Also, I’m no plastic surgeon, but can they even form a vagina if the penis is completely gone?

  2. The waiting period for gender reassignment surgery is an interesting issue. If the wait is simply due to lack of specialized surgeons and available surgery rooms for a non-life-threatening condition we can debate just how much suffering the individual will go through living, in this case, two years as the “wrong gender”.
    If the wait is intended as an adaptation period, a think-really-hard-about-it-before-you-do-this, there’s the issue of whether that’s insulting to a great deal of transgender people -treating them as if they’re half-crasy people who don’t really know what they want.
    …and then there’s nutjobs that cut off their own penises and more likely have a bigger problem that won’t be fixed with gender surgery.

  3. It remind me a mexican movie “Cronica de un desayuno” (cronic of a breakfeast) wich first sequence presents a guy who was going to have sex to a drag, so, in willing to have sex with him, he takes a knife and cut it off, throwing it trough the windown. The next day, the drag comes back asking for his lost penis, since the doc said he could repare the damage if he got it back. In a part of the movie, we see a dog eating th dick on the street… >_<

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