Hey! Wanna Buy my Virginity?

Natalie Dylan

How much is your virginity worth? Apparently it’s worth $3.7 million for Natalie Dylan who is a recent graduate trying to pay off her student loans. Dylan decided that she would put her virginity up for bids after learning that her sister paid off her loans by prostituting for three weeks.

Since her auction started, she has had over 10,000 men bid for a chance to take away her virginity. Initial bidding started at $243,000 and has skyrocketed to around $3.7 million.

I really think this is insane. Why would anyone pay close to $4 million to have sex with a girl? I mean are the guys really ugly and can’t get laid? What are your thoughts?

– Andy

7 thoughts on “Hey! Wanna Buy my Virginity?

  1. so when she does get this money she can use it either for her student loans, or… a fancy lawyer to get her off the hook for her prostitution charges. you would think a college grad would know that is illegal huh?

  2. lmao does she live in nevada? If not she can go there, have the sex, and not get charged… lol
    but she’s gunna get one nasty dude in bed, hope selling out is worth it…lol

  3. Eww… shes not even cute…. i cant think of a lot better things to spend my money on than some girls supposed virginity!

  4. Even in Nevada, prostitutes have to get checked out medically regularly and registered by the state to do it legally; you can’t just go there as a non resident and prostitute yourself and then go home and it be legal LOL

  5. say i wanted to auction my male virginity. offer up my hot virgin ass to some lucky guy. any direction on where to go??

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