For some reason, New York Magazine published a small interview piece this week about everyone’s favorite Jason Preston of the (now somewhat passed) moment, Nick Gruber, former boyfriend to fashion designer, Calvin Klein.
Aside from the fact that we’re using it as an excuse to post a couple of top quality pics of the artist formerly known as Aaron Skyline, Nick London and “Zeke“, it also allows us to wonder why on earth this story was published in the first place.
Gruber isn’t doing anything specific at the moment: he’s got no reality show, he’s got no book deal, and he’s not dating Calvin Klein anymore. He did just get into a scuffle in the Hamptons when he punched someone and law enforcement was called, yes. That happened. Okay, fine. Still, so…what?
Perhaps, aside from a personal favor to a publicist, what really gets a story pitch about Nick Gruber through the editorial hoops of fire at New York Magazine is actually a public fascination with the way Gruber is insisting on sexual ambiguity in the same obvious, market driven way as James Franco and the boys from One Direction.
“I’m not gay,” says Gruber in the New York Magazine article. “But I don’t believe in labels, I believe in love.”
Yes, love and a $250,000 Bentley that can be taken away the minute the “love” disappears. That’s certainly what seems to have gotten gay media outlets like Out Magazine interested even though sexual vagueness is hardly a new technique for publicity hungry figures to muster up attention.
Maybe it’s gratifying to marvel at the nauseating aftermath of the macabre spectacle that was Calvin Klein Scott-Thorsoning out his young protégé. (Yes, I’m using Scott Thorson as a verb.) Maybe, we love watching an uninteresting commoner like Gruber Jason-Preston his way into an A-list circle and then crash and burn. (Again, Jason-Preston can also be a verb.)
Maybe this is another one of those situations where you take a hooker/porn star, you ask them some questions and, through their answers, they indicate that they have a modicum of an interior life and, blinded by our own inability to think above our waists, we offer him the Pulitzer.
These are all viable options. Whatever though. Here are some pics of Nick Gruber in his underwear. What a story! What a set of abs!
Did I miss something? Who’s Jason Preston? And on that matter, are you referring to the Scott Thompson ex Ceo of Yahoo that lied on his resume? I”m not on the up and up on all things gay pop culture.
And is there any reason I should give a rat’s ass about about some designer/ celebrity and his boy-toy; much less about his used boy-toy?
Jason is a former gay porn star and now ex boy-toy of Calvin Klien… who’s somehow is not gay…. so I think that just makes him a whore ?
What a waste of “New York Magazine” space. Was someone there trying to have gay sex with this OBVIOUSLY straight man who is totally not gay.
we mean ex boy-toy to Marc Jabobs of course.
this extremely pale boy with his terrible make-up lines (on his chest mind you) is Nick Gruber, an ex-boy-toy of Calvin Klein.