Have You Ever: Done Fisting?


I’m not into fisting. Call me a prude, but I just don’t see the appeal of having a hand all up in my anal cavity. I never understood why anyone would want to fist someone either. In fact, I once tried to educate myself on the joys of fisting… by looking it up on Wikipedia. Then I proceeded to laugh for hours about the “silent duck” formation. Quack! I am basically as mature as a twelve year-old. A twelve year-old that looks up fisting on Wikipedia.

But I digress. Just because I’m not into hands in my pockets, that doesn’t mean that you can’t be. Have you ever fisted someone or been fisted? If so, can you please attempt to explain the appeal? If not, would you ever try it?

– Dewitt

If you dare check out the visuals, follow the JUMP:

fisting, gay sex, have you ever, silent duck, anal play, porn, fetish, asses, butt, lubed up

fisting, gay sex, have you ever, silent duck, anal play, porn, fetish, asses, butt, lubed up

fisting, gay sex, have you ever, silent duck, anal play, porn, fetish, asses, butt, lubed up

fisting, gay sex, have you ever, silent duck, anal play, porn, fetish, asses, butt, lubed up

fisting, gay sex, have you ever, silent duck, anal play, porn, fetish, asses, butt, lubed up

fisting, gay sex, have you ever, silent duck, anal play, porn, fetish, asses, butt, lubed up

133 thoughts on “Have You Ever: Done Fisting?

  1. that first pic is scary, i wouldn’t want someone hand in my ass, let alone HALF THEIR ARM???!!! it looks like he’s more than elbow deep, *shudder*

  2. Lots of people think wanting a dick up the ass is weird too.
    Is one finger ok? Two? Three? Just not the whole hand?
    The assplay it takes to work up to taking an entire fist is actually quite incredible. I’ve never taken a fist, but having someone explore my hole with their fingers and try to get me to that point can be unbelievably pleasurable. It’s not all about having something huge inside of you. There is lots of stimulation to the hole and prostate that is mind blowing. Don’t knock it until you’ve experienced it.

  3. I’m a btm but I’ve never wanted to be fisted, however, I do REALLY enjoy fisting others. For me it’s very Zen. You have to be controlled and centered and know that your actions are as much a response to the fist btms abilities and desires. Maybe I’m a control freak….lol.

  4. just because you *can* do it, doesn’t necessarily mean it should be done, or, that it isn’t _strange_ to do it.
    “you can drive a car with your feet if you want to..
    ..that don’t mean it’s meant to be done.”
    i really, really wish i knew who it was that came up with that concept.
    how it occured to someone, that he wanted to put one of his limbs up another human being’s poop|chute.
    (i’m not too keen on Double Penetration, either.)
    i’m still trying to figure out, what the psychological impact Fisting has, on the recipient: i still believe that, once a guy’s had an entire arm up his arse, a regular old dick really wouldn’t make much of a difference to the bloake.
    but if anyone who happens to read this knows any better, then please feel free to respectfully educate me, and the rest of us.
    (although i will foreseeably never agree with Fisting, and those who partake of it.)

  5. I will bet you a hundred bucks that all those guys will have to wear a shit bag in the next 5 years. The damage that could be caused is disturbing.

  6. Total boner-killer for me. Can’t even look at it. Rosebuds freak me out, too.
    If you’re into it, that’s fine, just don’t do it around me.

  7. DD_838 owes us all 100 bucks. If done properly, fisting is not harmful and does not result in incontinence. It can actually help strengthen the anal muscles by helping stretch and tone them, something you do with most other muscles to benefit them as well.

  8. Fisting is the most disgusting and most foul action I have ever seen. I’m embarressed to see it in gay porn. I ALWAYS FFW that part in every gay porn I have ever watched! Only doctors should be doing this when doing a prostate exam. Its so offensive to me! GROSS!!!!!!!! FOUL!!!!!!

  9. I am a firm believer of people being able to engage in whatever type of consensual act that want with another adult.
    But, to me personally, this is just going way too far. It doesn’t seem healthy, despite that those who engage in claim that it isn’t. The sight of a hole that blown open (i.e. rosebud) is not sexually appealing to me in the least.
    It’s not a judgement, but I just can’t fathom ever participating in this kind of activity – ever. It just looks painful and once you’ve had a few arms and hands up your butt, what’s next?

  10. I am talented on both ends of as fist(I have been told).
    There is no more intense or intimate sex that you can have.
    Working up to the point where the hand is actually going in is sooooooo pleasurable and intense, that unless you have done it you will never realize.
    It is safe if done properly, remember pain is a sign something is wrong, and you should stop. It should not hurt if done correctly, and should be enjoyable for both.

  11. These pics are pretty tame. I don’t like seeing the “rosebud” after they take their arm out of the ass!

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