Having spent adolescence without knowing the taste of another man’s cum let alone the fullness of getting fucked raw; I was surprised by the way older men looked at me once I started enjoying their company. MANHUNT was a god send in that regard.
I came to understand the power in being objectified and how easy men can be made into playthings. It can be disgusting when men throw themselves at you but disgust never stopped me from getting off. In a lot of ways it was a turn on through the years to debase myself with whatever cock I could wriggle on top of.
Sex is always a primal thing no matter how romantically media might portray it. We are animals of the finest form in that moment when inhibitions give way to carnal desire. To know a stranger with such intimate consent can be a delight especially if he’s hung.
Nerve, you are so right, indeed! Carnal lust at its finest! Yeah! Away with the prudish and puritanical limits on our sexuality. We are first and foremost ANIMALS of the highest order and should not be ashamed of enjoying our God-given (yes!) rights as sexual creatures; He intended us to be so; otherwise, we would just be eunuchs or genderless angels.We can fulfill our destinies with either sex, as indeed we are now understanding that the sexual status of one is along a continuum, not always neatly defined.
Yes, Nerve, one should always consider us older guys. We’ve been around and know the really best ways to turn you on and electrify the sexual act to bring out the best in your orgasms!