ITEM – As if I needed an excuse NOT to start watching a show that I would NEVER watch. Ashton Kutcher has been announced as the official replacement for decaying loon Charlie Sheen on CBS’ cash cow comedy Two And A Half Men. Ashton is superpowerfully annoying (just read his Tweets sometime) and his loud braying and goofy ass “acting” never fail to make me shut my eyes and wonder what psychedelics Demi Moore is on. The dick can’t be that good. And the sad thing is, if Asston shut his mouth – he’d be hot. Check out the pic!
– J. Harvey
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ITEM – Remember last week when we reported that bohunkian Channing Tatum was doing a movie about his past as a young male stripper? Well, they just announced that the “younger male stripper who is coached by Channing’s exotic dancing beefcake mentor character” is going to be I Am Number Four‘s blonde hotness Alex Pettyfer. This is some good news, look at those two. They better have PLENTY of oil, the skimpiest g-strings and tightest chaps imaginable, and it better climax with the two ass-jigglers realizing their love for each other. Note how I worked the word “climax” in there? And if it DOES end that way, Alex’s character already has his blowjob thank-you covered.
ITEM – Ryan Seacrest was paid $45 million for his three year deal to host American Idol. Pardon me while I cry into my value menu selection. The bland and aging former twink (don’t even protest) made another 10 million with his syndicated radio show and producing horror shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Wow. He is paid so much to host Idol that it’s caused the show’s operating income to drop. Check it:
According to a regulatory filing Monday, American Idol as a standalone business posted operating income of $13.6 million – same as CKX overall – though that represents a 17 percent fall for the hit TV show.
The lower operating income is presumably due to host Seacrest’s rising salary, as costs for the show jumped 17 percent, mirroring the decline in operating income. CKX is on the hook for $30 million of Seacrest’s $45 million compensation package.
I don’t know what that translates to in my personal language of dullard, but I bet about 75% of his salary goes to product.
I love Ashton! I think he will make a great replacement with his personality. He is kinda goofy but that is just his style. My BF hates him so I guess some will love him and others will hate him. Will see what he can do with this show! 😉
I think he will do good on 2 and a half men by himself he is annoying and abrasive but in an ensemble he can be funny and conchanta and jon cryr are both veery good will be worth checking out.
I like Ashton and i think he’s got excellent talent as well,plus is Hot yummy yummy,still think he need to start eating young,fresh chicks for god sack!!!!
Do we know if Seacrest likes the cock yet or not?
I have to agree with the J.-Man on this one… Will have play the “two” or the “half”. The only real value he has would be bent over with a ball gag.
Channing Tatum. I see the attraction, but once again, he just need to be bent over, but maybe with the other dudes peen in his mouth.
Seacrest… I think he was born bent over with a ball gag.
AWESOME blog this week Mr. Harvey
Isn’t Ashton the son of a former porn star?
What lousy casting for “2 1/2 MEN”! Ashton Kutcher can’t pull off the character that Charlie Sheen played. There are plenty of other actors better suited. I’m sorry. This show won’t last.
I would like to think that Channing Tatum’s stripper movie is going to hot enough to fill theater seats with boners, but I’ll bet that by the time it goes through the editing room, a few producers & company censors, it’ll be pretty tamed down. (Please Jebus, let me be wrong!)
Ryan Seacrest just needs to go ahead & buy his fucking island & move there. How much $ is enough? Bottom line for Idol is that it’s days are probably numbered. If they can’t keep operating costs down, the producers will kick it to the curb in favor of something with a higher profit percentage. That’s show biz!
give time tom welling the job and i might start watching the crappy show.
Kutcher is still unbelievably hot, even if he is annoying.
And aging twink or not, I’d totally fuck Seacrest’s brains out.
Did you saw the Ashton cock? (sorry Italian only but pics self-explaining 😉
If he get finally naked I’m sure I will follow the show 😉