For over a year now, Glenn has completely slipped under my radar. It baffles me that I never recognized his perfect, hairy muscle ass, beyond a single measly mention in the January 13 edition of The Cock Buffet. Maybe, just maybe, it was the boyish features and innocent eyes that threw me off his scent, but at the end of the day, there are zero excuses for taking so long to realize that he’s on the same level of hotness as Darius, Vander and some of my other favorite models from Chaos Men.
Thankfully, for both our sake, I took notice of Glenn’s superior gluteal presence in his latest scene with muscle daddy Spiro… But I felt so bad for neglecting him over the past fourteen or so months, I went ahead and collected thirteen previous clips that do a great job at showing off his rump. It should be noted that Glenn’s versatile (at least on camera). You can probably expect to see him in a future Flipping Out post as well.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Chaos Men
Watch Glenn show off his hairy ass in thirteen video clips below:
My, my, Glenn has been a busy boy!
His looks have improved, more junk in the trunk!!Love it, perfect, and very handsome
too busy to buy condoms, by the looks of things….
i’m in love
I want my dick in his ass all night!
Or too busy being an informed, consenting adult having fun with another informed, consenting adult 🙂
Eyes lips and ass OH MY!
Glenn has such a charming boyish face with killer puppy dog eyes that you can just stare into forever as you pound his ass. The Glenn Tops Vander clip doesn’t seem to be there.
OMG! I was hard the whole time watching all the clips. Wouldn’t mind going a few rounds with him. Glenn has been quite the performer in the last two years.
I think you mean adults, as in multiple sex partners..who may not be “informed” of all the other sex partners that Glenn has been having unprotected sex with as well…
We can only hope that they are as informed as we led to believe .
Glenn eyes are as mesmerizing as his ass !!!
I thought I knew what I meant what I wrote… lemme look again. Nope, I still mean it. Even with condoms, there is no such thing as 100% protection. Surely you then tell all your sex partners of every single other one then, even for just oral sex, right?
Oh, I agree.
I think because his eyes look in two different directions, he has a hard time locating the condome aisle.
Of course, what am I thinking?
Im sure they watched his “best of Glenn” video collection before having unprotected sex….
I think it’s presumptuous to assume that Glenn is having unprotected sex off camera.
D’oh! Wish I had noticed that sooner. It’s fixed now.
You just showed him having unprotected sex with a dozen guys here, and I’m “presumptuous”?? lol 2much!
I like the Aries pairing best. They look great together and the still speak for themselves. It certainly appears that you have made up for not posting about Glenn…and then some. Awesome post.
Right! He’s getting paid to have sex on a gay porn site that doesn’t give models the option to use condoms. Chaos Men tests all of their models before filming (or at least claims they do), so it *is* a bit presumptuous to assume he’s recklessly running around letting everyone cum in his hole. For all we know, he might only have sex with women off camera! You know NOTHING about his sex life beyond what you see here.
For the record, I’m not pro-bareback, but I’m anti-assuming-everyone-who-films-bareback-porn-is-constantly-barebacking-in-their-everyday-life.
Nor do you, but it doesn’t stop you from getting up on your soapbox calling ppl presumptuous. Isn’t there a bear posting you should be working on??
Oh brother. That’s your comeback?
I’m not insulting you personally or trying to get up on a soapbox. It is, in fact, presumptuous to jump to conclusions about a performer’s sexual practices (or HIV status, for that matter) based on what you see on camera.
Glenn may or may not be having bareback sex off camera. That’s not our business (unless we’re the ones having sex with him).
Surely you must be paid to have the last word on things. If you actually followed my comments, the gist of the message is not about Glenn practices personally, but “consenting adults” informing other sex partners that they are engaging in unprotected sex….and Im tapping on on this matter.
I still don’t follow you.
(Your point, not your comments.)
Is your problem that Glenn may or may not inform future sexual partners that he filmed several bareback gay porn scenes?
My point is, and always has been that these are people engaging in sexual activity with consent. No one is forcing them to get paid to have sex for our pleasure. No one is forcing them to have natural sex without an artificial barrier. Writing that this promotes anything is naive in the same way people think video games promote violence. You aren’t having sex without a condom I assume, so what do you care what anyone else does? As long as you’re being responsible, don’t worry about what paid actors (who go through a battery of tests) do in a fantasy setting.
The point is people who support bareback porn simply DONT CARE about the models. They want to get off. They justify their selfishness with a whole series of rolling arguments that having nothing to do with the situation at hand.
Thus, DAX23 tries to reduce the entire issue to one of slavery. They arent being forced, so there is no issue to him. Thats not the point, and it was never the point.
And this ” As long as you’re being responsible, don’t worry about what paid actors (who go through a battery of tests) do in a fantasy setting.” Most people arent so dissociative, or selfish. I care if for no other reason than they help get me off.
Heres the point. People who support BB justify it no matter what. If Glenn got HIV tomorrow all you would hear would be some self righteous nonsense about how he brought it on himself, he knew the risks, if he didnt want the disease he shouldnt have done BB etc, etc.
People who support BB pretend they have no responsibility for the market they create.
I don’t quite understand your slavery reference. I stand by my assertion that what informed, consenting adults do is there business and should be allowed to do it without fee of stigmatization. Plain and simple. Their bodies, their right to do as they please with eachother.
His ass got bigger.It’s so juicy now.I want Vander or Kristopher to pound his ass hard.