We’ve already seen Randy Blue’s Nicco Sky in porno-tastic action, eating ass and getting his own plowed. But we’ve never really focused on how gorgeous his butt actually is until we saw this layout. Two hairless mocha mounds, with a sexy curve to them. And between those two luscious cheeks is a deep hole that you just want to stick everything you’ve got into (dildo, cock, finger, tongue) to make him writhe. Nice ass, Nicco.
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Randy Blue
For more pics of Mr. Sky’s gorgeous behind, Follow the JUMP:
I’ve been in love with Nicco since he first appeared on RB. I was always focused on his delicious skin tone and that “I could be trouble” grimmace. Now you point out his butt…what’s not to love!
Have always thought that Nicco is an incredibly handsome man….from every angle!! Thanks for posting these great photos!
his dick.
You know something, that’s a nice butt and all, but I think I like the front even more! That torso is perfect, and the dick has an ideal up-curve. So this post should probably be “Everything and Butt”.
Excuse me for slobbering 😉
But, my mouth is watering and my tongue & cock are sticking out ! LOL
Excellente !!!
I heart Nicco!
He’s so ridiculously sexy and I LOVE his ass, glad he mentioned in this section
I’d flip with him for hours
Yep. Nice indeed.
I know, right, Chris? And did you see when he was in that Randy Blue video of Kylie’s “Get Outta My Way?” He can dance and looks like he’s having a lot of fun doing it!
And that is such a hot dick too! 😀
OMG!!!! –i saw the back side, then the butt and then jumped to the awesome dick and beautiful face — what a gorgeous man — i’d do him or he could do anything he wanted to me for HOURS! –so HOT!!
I dont see why everyone likes him so much, he has a good ass and body but I dont think he’s cute at all.
to each his own.
i’m just happy you didn’t explain why you feel that way.
you are one hot guy.
i’d love to show you my oral appreciation for your great looks.
thumbs up
I would love 2 pound Nicco fine ass N the very position that jump pix is showing him N !!!!
He is truly a living work of art. Credits to the photographer for catching him in just the right light. I don’t think there is a wrong light for this man. Weather he is a top or bottom is unimportant. We tend to put too much into whos on top or bottom. I think making love with this man would be a dream come true top or bottom. I wish him continued success in his career and personal life. Mark
someone needs to bust that tigh hole wide open and make drip my seed
Good Lord he is hot!