DontSkipMeals‘ profile asks if there’s “anyone nice?” out in the Manhunt universe. Is he kidding? All you have to be is nice to get with him? Pardon me while I go to pass out rice on the streets of Calcutta. The body on this bastard! You know that car commercial where the ball bearing traces the lines on the luxury car? You could do that with his body. Lean, mean and everyone wants in his jeans.
– J. Harvey
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I think he’s hotter with his glasses on.
hysterical! all those people posting naked self obsessed pics of themselves claiming to be looking for “good guys” have their heads wayyyy too deep up their ass. Yeah, that’s how you catch the “good guys”.
He looks so sarcastic. Get over yourself and lay off the eyebrow waxing, pretty boy.
damn auto correct! *Narcissistic
Yes… every picture of him is in a state of undress. And he just wants a nice guy…. puleeze. Try keepin yer clothes on and go on a freakin’ date instead of this nonsense… I know I’m jaded, but I don’t believe any of this horseshit I wanna nice guy routine… you end up finding out his definition of a nice guy is someone with 6 percent body fat and a six pack. Is that wrong? Probably not. Because gay men self-segregate 99.9 percent of the time. But this “image” of I just want a nice guy is horse shit. You want a hot guy that won’t cheat is probably more accurate — and good luck with that…. you’ll probably find a unicorn before you’ll find that….. I know “bitter, party of one. Bitter, party of one.” ;-P