Diesel Washington Un-Retires From Porn

Diesel Washington

Watch out, all you porno bottoms! Diesel Washington has just announced that he's coming back to the porn world. He's specifically asking you to help spread the word: "TELL UR MOM, TELL UR DAD, TELL UR BROTHER, TELL UR SISTER!!!!" We're currently calling our grandmothers to let them know about this boner-tastic development.

You can get excited for Diesel's return by checking out our Cock-A-Doodle Do Me feature here. We can't wait to see what he'll be up to next!

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Titan Men

21 thoughts on “Diesel Washington Un-Retires From Porn

  1. Wow, I’m stunned the arrogant self promoter is back in the “biz”…bet his lack of any other skills means he needs the $. Guess he’s back on rentboy.com now too?
    sorry, I love a hung top but the only thing bigger than his dick is his attitude/ego/mouth!

  2. You guys are ridiculous, this is PORN, who gives a shit if he deserves the Good Personality Merit Badge. If you can’t whack off to a guy because he’s “not a good person”, maybe you shouldn’t be looking at porn.

  3. the point is, even though we know porn is fake I want to be able to buy the scene and the emotions or else is pure crap, it takes a good personality to make it look believable and exciting…this guy doesnot have it

  4. I’m pretty sure his cock and his muscles are big, and he sure knows how to ram it home. call me crazy, for porn, that’s good enough for me.

  5. You all are telling me that if you met a hot guy and then found out that he was a huge douche bag, that he wouldn’t seem less attractive to you? Still hot, but that you could almost SEE his personality on him? I’m guessing that’s what WH and Bing are talking about.

  6. yea for some people thats good enough for a boyfriend too , i guess some others are a little more complicated

  7. sorry boys, ‘tude and Ego comes with the ‘man’ package. always has. tell Dr. Phil or Donahue about it. It’s just F***ing.

  8. sorry AmericanSoldier, a few insecure guys have said I have attitude and ego = CONFIDENCE is what turns me on with a masculine guy. And yes, I’d pass by a 10″ dick anyday if the guy truly is nothing more than a “big dick”….we are each entitled to what we want/are looking for.
    i’d defend your right to drop trow and just have Diesel do ya.
    besides, I think Rafael Alencar, another man of “color”, is far hotter in all aspects
    well, as the old adage goes, that’s what makes HORSE racing 🙂
    enjoy men

  9. Sorry WH, need to check your people. Rafael Alencar is NOT a man of color. And der Diesel is kinda OK to glance over quickly but nothing to linger over…

  10. You guys, we’re not talking about picking up a fucking trick in a bar, we’re talking about MANHANDLING YOUR MEAT TO PORN. Yeah maybe attitude should count if you’re bringing the guy home, definitely if you’re trying to make a relationship out of it, but if all you’re doing is FLOGGING YOUR DICK, then I’d say you’re a bit of a pretentious queen for thinking the guy you’re paying to watch fuck on your computer screen has an “attitude problem”

  11. Sorry Bill, it would appear that you are the pretentious queen/totally superficial. I prefer real men, and ones that don’t have blogs that show they have no brain, can’t spell, and have nothing to offer the world besides a big dick and serious ‘tude.
    I have higher standards I guess…enjoy your beat your meat time with flakes…there are plenty of hot men that are a bit more humble and thus easier to enjoy/fantasize about

  12. i didn’t really know much about mr. washington (besides his being a pornographic performer) before this site.

    i suppose that if more than a few people keep saying the same thing about this gentleman then there must be something to it.
    on the other hand..
    ..when i need something to get me off, then i’m not *very* concerned about how a given performer is, off-camera … just as long as his negative attributes aren’t so overwhelming that i can actually pick up the bad vibes from the selection i’m watching.

  13. yeah, Ok. try this WH. Oh, please kind sir, may I penetrate your tight spincter mulitple times? Will that work for you or is it too dirty?
    Sometimes ‘Real Men’ just Fuck without words or worrying about how they spell dear.
    That’s the confidence that comes with Ego and ‘tude that you’ve seemed to miss out having.

  14. Try this AmericanSoldier – you have your preferences and I have mine. I don’t put you down for yours and you shouldn’t put me down for mine. No wonder the str8 community has a bias against us…we can’t even treat within the diversity of our community without resorting to attacks and put downs. And to be clear, there is a big difference between a trick and a porn star self-promoting. Read the blogs…the vast majority find him as I have described him based upon facts and his own blog. Case closed Soldier.
    I don’t lack for hung tops…I’ve had a porn star with an HONEST 9″ thick happily do me.
    I have confidence but not ego or attitude. Many of your “queens” you refer to are intimidated by me without any cause.
    Happy hunting – and to each his own!

  15. sorry AmericanSoldier, appears you must be related to Diesel…incomplete sentences, and nothing more than “blah”. Maybe you should change the screen name?

  16. Lol you’re accusing me of being superficial with porn? aren’t you SUPPOSED to be superficial with porn!?!? LOL

  17. he is one gorgeous hunk..from head to toes…in the porn movies i’ve seen him in he always stands out as the best performer..whether you’re into blacks,whites,asians or whatever you can’t say he’s not the best out there..he is a real man not like some of these big body queens that open their mouth and sound and act like big ladies

  18. well macris that was the point, the queens acting like big ladies are being themselves, while this diesel guy overacts the machismo which makes him look like a poser or trying to compensate on something…its useless to argue on this some see it and bothers them others dont see it at all…

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