Did Jordan Chandler Lie About Michael Jackson Molestation?

Michael Jackson, Jordan Chandler

Rumor has it that Jordan Chandler, the individual who notoriously accused Michael Jackson of molesting him back in the early '90s, has stated that his father forced him to make false accusations against the recently deceased singer. According to the source, Chandler is quoted saying, "Now for the first time I can’t bear to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor."

While this would certainly be an interesting turn of events, I am skeptical of where this source got their information–"Court doccuments given to us by an annonomus source. The case is son vs father for life threatening abuse." As you can see, it doesn't help that their post contains a handful of grammatical and spelling errors. I'm hoping a major news outlet will confirm or dismiss the story, but I have a sneaking suspicion that some bloggers are going to pick up on this without questioning it for a second.

UPDATE: As we suspected, this story is not real. The mysteries keep rolling along…

– Dewitt

11 thoughts on “Did Jordan Chandler Lie About Michael Jackson Molestation?

  1. i think michael never molested anyone. i’m not a fan, but i kinda believe him. he just didnt have a childhood and wanted to give that to other children at his neverland to live it through their happiness. but for all his kindness they struck him back with pedophiliac accusations.

  2. I knew this piece of “news” was fake even before I finished reading the first sentence. The family was paid off with at least $25 million and made to sign an agreement not to speak about the case to anybody, which was the reason why the civil case was terminated and the criminal one doomed because nobody was gonna testify against MJ anymore.
    To those who still think MJ was an “innocent man-child”, I suggest you read the series of excellent Vanity Fair articles written by Maureen Orth since 1993. She interviewed hundreds of people close to the case and had access to court documents. MJ settled out of court just ONE DAY before he was supposed to give his deposition when his legal team found out the boy’s description/illustration of his genitals matched the pictures very accurately.
    Here’s the link to the articles: http://www.vanityfair.com/online/politics/2009/06/michael-jackson-is-gone-but-the-sad-facts-remain.html

  3. Knowing what his genitals looked like does not equal molestation. That would be an incredibly leap to take to draw that conclusion. There are plenty of nonsexual ways where someone can see someone elses’ genitals. Think locker room/changing room for one. Big stars make for big targets.

  4. BlueBoy, did you read the articles? It was just one of the pieces of evidence. And the MJ camp DENIED any instance that they were in any way naked when they were together. Jordy was able to describe/draw DETAILS in terms of discoloration in precise places (MJ had Vitiligo). I don’t think that is one thing he’d be able to describe because he “just happened to see” MJ naked in the bathroom. And why the huge settlement after they found this out? They were offering just $350,000 prior to this; then it shot up to $25 million all of a sudden. Too obvious.
    There were also other instances of criminal activity that disturbs me beyond the sexual molestation of multiple boys (Jordy wasn’t the only one.) Death threats, breaking and entering (the 2003-05 criminal case had the victim’s family’s things in their house “disappear”), dead rats in their mailbox, phone-tapping, vandalizing, etc. Scary stuff. The biggest one would have to be the attempted murder on Jordy: He and his nanny were almost run over by a mysterious car and the car went back to try again when it missed.
    Please read more reliable sources instead of random, sensational, dubious blogs. Vanity Fair was NEVER once contested legally by MJ’s camp throughout the years, in spite of all their devastating revelations. This is SERIOUS stuff; not Michael Jackson trying to buy the bones of Elephant Man.

  5. You blame MJ but where is the blame on the parents? Why the hell would you allow your children to stay with a stranger? I don’t care how famous the person is. Then people that come forward AFTER something happens, are just as guilty for not reporting it as soon as they seen it.

  6. Where did I say the parents are blameless?
    Again, if you bother to read the articles, you’d understand MJ’s modus operandi that has gotten him away scot-free doing this for years. It’s a long, deceptive and extremely EXPENSIVE seduction (that he does over and over again) involving luxury cars, homes, jewelry, trips, sky’s-the-limit shopping (ToysRUs for kids, designer stores for the mother) etc. given to the whole family before he gets their full trust. MJ cries and sobs like a child when the parents or kid question why he wants the boy (it’s always a boy, never a girl) to sleep with him! It’s often as brazen as having the mother sleep in another room within the same suite in a hotel. (Aaaww…how could he do anything sexual with my child?) People are fooled by the image and appearance of the sweet, generours man who wants to stay in childhood (that he never had) forever just like you guys are, especially if they’ve just been given a $12,000 Cartier watch.
    This actually completely destroyed Jordy’s family after all was said and done. The boy blamed his mother for everything and refused to see her again. ( It was his father who first suspected something was not right.) Both (separated) parents ended up in divorce with their respective spouses and ended up suing each other, including the father and stepfather who used to be friends prior to this.
    By the way, he was expected to plead the 5th amendment (not say anything that might lead to self-incrimination in a criminal case) had he gone on to do the deposition he was scheduled to give if they had not settled out of court. And he did plead the 5th during the trial when his bodyguards sued him for being fired only because they knew too much.

  7. I don’t think he did it, the kid knew Michael had vitiligo, the whole world did! I could have guessed he would have a spot or two as well. More important is the taped covo’s the father had, where his intention for money and only money was clear!

  8. Yeah, we all know about the Vitiligo so we all know how many and where exactly the spots are! So why didn’t we all ask MJ for $25 million so we could all be rich then? LMAO!!! This is ridunkulous! I’m out.

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