When Dave Grohl isn’t too busy rocking with the Foo Fighters, he spends his time filing lawsuits against Jake Shears and the Scissor Sisters. The musician attended one of the group’s recent gigs, and he became traumatized after catching a glance of the lead singer’s testicles. He’s now suing the band for seventy-five million dollars, citing “emotional distress” as his reason.
While this may not bode well for the Sisters’ future, there’s a positive spin to all of this. I mean, their latest album Night Work will definitely benefit from the publicity, and there’s no way in hell a judge will side with Grohl. And did we mention there are pictures of Jake Shears’ balls?
– Dewitt
To take a look at Jake Shears’ balls, follow the JUMP:
And a video, but of course:
(For those who haven’t figured It out by now, this is all a big joke.)
So funny!!!! I love when Dave dry heaves!
I’d sue if I saw Dave Grohl’s nasty-ass testicles, but when I see Jake’s, all I can think of is how nice they would feel knocking against my chin!
the joke part seemed a little too obvious the first quarter minute into the video… >.>
Hilarious! I was a bit worried after reading about a Velvet Underground member who’s now a tea-bagger…and not the good teabagging kind. This was great.
is it just me or is 1. dave looking chubbier and OLDER, and 2. is he wearing a snap on leather cock ring on his right wrist!? lmao! peace.
I don’t remember Jake being this hot. Either he’s gotten bigger or I haven’t been paying enough attention.
Looks like someone needs attention…even if he has to sue to get it.
Traumatized – oh, poor baby! I sincerely hope the judge dismisses the claim and fines him for filing a frivilous suit.
And $75m? Is he upset that he caught a glimpse or that he only caught a glimpse.
How do you spell D-O-U-C-H-E – B-A-G?
clearly tallblondviking didnt get the joke…
For someone that used to hang around Courtney Love on a regular basis, I’m sure he’s built up a pretty high level of tolerance towards “Emotional Distress”
I don’t mean this as an insult to Jake Shears, but why couldn’t it have been Del Marquis’ (or maybe Baby Daddy’s) balls instead?
Dave Grohl is an idiot, and an asshole. He and his band are known AIDS denialists, which means that the don’t believe there’s a medical connection to the HIV virua and the resulting condition AIDS.
I think you are confusing Aids denialistm and hiv denialistm. The fact is that the drugs AZT given to many people died rapidly. From their point of view they would have experienced this in the 80s 90s. Its basically wanting to re open the whole thing as a constructive scientifically constructed argument. You can not question anything. Its like China. They do not deny Aids, just the reasons given for the cause. That is how science works and why we now believe that the world is round and not flat!!! I bet you also believe the banks.