Christian Bale’s Lunatic Rant

Christian Bale, best known for recently playing Batman in The Dark Knight, totally lost it on the set of his new movie: Terminator 4. Apparently, a clumsy crew member interrupted one of Bale's scenes, and the prima donna went ballistic. I wonder if he was having a flashback to American Psycho when he played Patrick Bateman.

Here's a clip of his F* Bomb plastered rant.

– Wilbur

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2 thoughts on “Christian Bale’s Lunatic Rant

  1. Wow, someone forgot to take his meds that day. Amazing rant. As passionate as he seems about his craft, Bale still needs to enroll in some type of anger management program to find a balance to his boorish behavior before he hurts someone. His publicist has some damage control to do.

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