Here’s a picture of a guy hopping into the back seat of a car with his shorts down, revealing a sufficiently fuckable ass and a nice pair of low hangers. It’s probably just some dude goofing off with his friends, but if the Caption This series has taught us anything, it’s that the fake story’s always much more interesting than the real story.
If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for the image below. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!
For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.
– Dewitt
Take a look at today’s image and last week’s winner below:
Points off for originality, but at least 3 or 4 of you suggested this caption.
i’m fast and sporty just like the car-but i seat 6.
excuse me,but do you have any charmin
Rear door friends are the best.
Getting prepared to ride shotgun!
I told you my rear view was better than the car’s!
Not a caption, but those are a nice set of hangers!
I have no cash or grass, so guess which option I choose.
Careful dude, the woods are filled with squirrels.
Fill it up!
You told me to gas up
Back seat driver included?
That’s a SWEET ride!
Looks like someone left the back door open!
Jesus! I knew it would hurt the first time, but my God — I can barely mo-ove!
I don’t think this is what they meant when they said come in the back door
A screen shot from the Grand Theft Auto: Fire Island.
See I told you my ass is not as white as the car!
Dude, I heard you drive a mean stick!
I was told that the new BMW came with an extra stick shift in the back seat. I would like to try it out now
Dewitt’s twerking obsession reached new lows when his shorts no longer stayed on.
“ive got more room in my trunk if you need?”
This is was I thought “bum a ride” meant.
So you guys meant test drive the CAR?
Where’s the Charmin?
Pete always drove ass backwards.
I mighty ride bare ass in the back but I will NEVER get BARE BACKED in the ass !!!
Ronald was so excited to get started that he couldn’t wait to get into the car (and until it was moving) to start mooning passersby.
Wow, luxury cars really do come with some amazing features. Talk about standard equipment.
The Ass and the Furious
He is about to get REAR ended.
Excuse me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?
I thought you said backdoor rider not backseat driver!
dip dip dip…..tea bag heaven.
“Done Sir… Now can I get a ride, or what? It’s chillin’ out here!”
back seat only??? what do you mean???
Quick to the bat-cave!
kiss this ass…..
Imma twerk it!!!!!!!
You said “Pop the trunk” !
BMW: Booty made white
I told you I was a back seat driver, now shut up and fuck me…..
Maybe if I fart like this, it won’t follow me into the car!
When I said I want you in the rear I wasn’t talking about the car!!!
Wait, so…. *where* did you want me to sit?
“How to be able to afford a BMW”
Dangerous Curves Ahead!
BMW: Bottom Making Wages
Based on recent results, some might argue it’s time to retire this feature of Manhunt Daily.
How to achieve that “new car smell”
How to achieve that “new car smell”
Road side assistance…. I need road side assistance………
Now this is my kinda car boot sale!