BREAKING: Men Lure Prospective Sex Partners with Photos of Genitalia


Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth has some shocking news to share with you in his piece about the murder of ABC radio reporter George Weber. According to him, "Gay hook-up websites like MANHUNT (slogan: "Get on, Get off") make it easy for homosexual men to find casual, deviant sex. Many men show photos of their genitalia to lure prospective sex partners." Gasp, pure evil!

LaBarbera's piece also includes a letter from a 48 year-old man who is "recovering from homosexuality". The so-called David writes, "Instant gratification, orgy sex, and anonymous sexual 'hook-ups' are part and parcel of the male homosexual lifestyle…Go to any male homosexual website (e.g., 'MANHUNT'), 'leather bar', circuit party [huge drug-and sex-heavy dance parties for homosexual men], etc., and you will find that quick, one-time hook-ups — and multiple sex partners — is central to that way of life."

I'd love to stay and rant about this, but I sincerely apologize–I'm running late for an orgy. I hear straight people do those too, no?

– Dewitt

7 thoughts on “BREAKING: Men Lure Prospective Sex Partners with Photos of Genitalia

  1. I’d laugh harder, but I’m all too aware of how I’m judged for being single, gay, and under 25. It doesn’t matter what I’ve actually done, or what I haven’t done. In the minds of anyone who knows, I’m just another slutty immature college-age brat.

  2. I always find it interesting that public figures and organizations who use the word “truth” in their names and advertising usually have little truth to show in their content. And what truth they do present is almost always tremendously biased or selective. Beware of people who use the word “truth” as flagrantly as people on hookup sites use “vgl”.
    In a way, the 47 year old dude that got killed got what was coming to him for arranging to have sex with someone who claimed to be 16 years old, not to mention admittedly unstable. If he hadn’t gotten killed, he’d have been thrown in jail and bubba-raped for the rest of his life.
    Perhaps we should be grateful that the kid saved us from having to use public money to keep that child molester in jail for god-knows-how-long.

  3. The so-called “David” is probably LaBarbera himself. I can think of few if any straight men who dwell obsessively on their perception of the “homosexual lifestyle” for so many years. Projection, projection.

  4. We are all about the instant gratification. Straight people ahve their porn just like we do. There are men and women who have one night stands and random hook ups, swinger parties and orgies, just like gay people. I don’t see what the big deal is. We all have needs and sometimes we gotta do what we need to to fulfil them. I am thankful everyday that manhunt is here. 😉

  5. LaBarbera actually came and spoke at my school a few years ago and preached about “recovering gays” and brought some examples with him. Those men were so flaming it wasn’t funny!
    Oh, and BTW, if you pick up any of his work, he has admitted to submerging himself into the gay leather scene for “research” purposes. He’s a closet gay himself and uses research as an excuse to fulfill that desire. He’s still a douche though.

  6. Sorry, but not all organizations who use the word “truth” in their branding are misleading. Most notably,, where tobacco companies are exposed for the disservice of their product, and a very despicable habit.
    And to Jason: you are absolutely correct about your comment on instant gratification. It applies to both gay and straight. However, I would go one further and say that the gay market is overly saturated with sex-based adverts, and where cruising is a norm. When comparing it to data with the straight demographic, there’s an obvious skewed metrics that bodes negatively for our team. It’s a sad truth that gay porn generates more revenue than anything else within our community. (and yes, I have sources to reference)…basically, we REALLY love the cock…lol.
    Now get thee hence and cruise…lol.

  7. Hey, trucksnguns09: is owned and run by Phillip Morris, makers of Marlboro.
    Truth is relative, buddy boy.

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