Aural Only: Usher

Hey, remember when Usher was a somewhat legitimate R&B singer who didn’t need to resort to busting out semi-anonymous dance tracks? Those days seem far behind us with the release of “More”, the latest (and presumably last) single from his Raymond Vs. Raymond era.

If you’ve heard “DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love”, then you’ve basically heard “More”. Even though they don’t sound exactly identical, it’s the same brand of forgettable pop that both Usher and Enrique Iglesias have been using as a crutch in their latest campaigns. Ten years from now, will anyone remember this crap? This isn’t contemporary. It’s just temporary.

We don’t mean to be so blatantly bitchy, but we’re just so fed up with this cookie cutter “I’m so going to top the charts!” mentality. There was a point when Usher was setting trends rather than following them. Rest assured, our snarky comments come from a place of love, respect and gratitude for getting laid thanks to “Nice and Slow”.

UPDATE: Okay, okay! So the original version of “More” is slightly better than the music video’s remix. Call us dumb-asses (especially after being so critical), but we didn’t even realize there was an original version. Rest assured that no matter how we feel about this song, it will be appearing on this Saturday’s Weekly Top Ten.

– Dewitt

To listen to “More”, follow the JUMP:

614 thoughts on “Aural Only: Usher

  1. i usually make fun of the people who comment on this shit but i dont understand why you review pop music, the last 3 reviews..jlo usher and britney u sound like a whiney stereotypical gay guy who is too good to listen to what others like…”it all sounds the same”…”if you’ve heard one you’ve heard them all” if your taste in music is so far beyond the rest of us then stay up on your pedastal and dont rip on the pop music i like

  2. Sorry, but I LOVE this song! It’s upbeat, catchy, and makes you wanna move. Music is about entertainment, and this song is fun … mission accomplished. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy more “meaningful” music as well, but what’s wrong with occasionally listening to something without a deeper meaning and just letting loose?

  3. im not a big fan of Britney, but idk if calling her a manufactured star and putting quotations around the word art is positive…just stick to posting hot guys and porn sites…or at least review music u actually like

  4. Playing Nice and Slow would neither help you get a piece of me, nor would it encourage me to give you a second look. I am very glad that Usher has grown up and moved away from the arrogant image he used to have.

    Dance, club beats are a legitimate form of music that huge amounts of people are entertained by and enjoy. And I think Usher doesn’t come off as such a jerk with this style of music. OMG and DJ Got Us Falling In Love are the best things he’s put out in his career and I am glad that he is giving us MORE. 🙂

  5. Chill out!!! The man has an opinion and he’s free to express it. He’s shown love for other dance tracks in the past.

    Personally I like this song but I get why others might be underwhelmed by it.

  6. Don’t mind the catchy beat… but what I resent is the trend to write about 30 seconds of song and stretch it into a monotonous 4 minutes. This particular song being one of the worst offenders! ‘Lil Freak’ was the only creative thing to come out of this album.

  7. Okay, so this is “just temporary” but Hold It Against Me is a shining bastion of cultural achievement? I don’t think so.

    Somehow, if Usher had tits and the film clip was full of shirtless dancing boys, I think this review would be a great deal more positive.

  8. Im sorry guys; but I have to agree with Dewitt. This is temporary. In ten years we will not remember these songs. Gone are the days of good pop music. And do you want to know why? (Of course you do! Who am I kidding?) It is because artists are so dependent on studio technology and “doo-hikkies”(not sure if I spelled that right) to make the song sound good. Music is supposed to be about something that matters. How many songs about drinking and haveing a one stand do there have to be before we say enough. And lets not forget, it is an image based industry. Lets face it people, there is no way that Mama Cass would be able to today what she did then.
    I alway judge an artists’ worth by the live performance. Usher never hits the high notes when he performs live, he is always lipsynching. And that in my opinion is not real singing. I guess that is why I hate pop music. And yes I know who Mamma Cass is, even though im ony 21!

  9. Of course it’s only temporary; it’s pop music. But to think that it’s somehow more ephemeral than Hold it Against Me or Fireworks or that trash that Ke$ha vomits out is ludicrous.

    The only way Hold it Against Me will ever become significant is if its IDM breakdown ushers in a new era of pop music consisting of top 10 countdowns full of Aphex Twin, and legions of screaming Autechre fans complaining about how their favourite artist should be there instead.

  10. You wanna here Rap+Music+Lyrics listen to ‘Never Forget You’ by Lupe Fiasco (feat. John Legend)… Just downloaded It… Wow! Take note, Usher.

  11. Well that’s kind of the point Dewitt, you gave Shitney a good review but it’s plain to those who want to see that she’s just riding on the fumes of days that were. That comes from a place of love, respect and gratitude (Cough) because she was good ….. Once upon a time. Usher deserves respect because he’s not only an artist but he gave somebody else (Justin Bieber) the same chance he was given. On the other hand Shitney gave a shit about anybody else. When it comes down to their music well let’s just say thet Usher is getting sue’d for blatantly ripping off other artist songs. As if nobody know’s where ”would you hold it against me” originally comes from.

  12. dewitt, i do agree with ‘yousuck’ that you gave a very negative review for britney. calling her a star and saying that gaga is an artist. that’s bs to be honest.

    although i do agree with u on usher. he keeps putting out these dance tracks, when he was much better at making great r’n’b tracks like ‘Burn’.

  13. oh, and i how i hate those comments like ‘oh, this is crap, it won’t be remembered in 10 years’. this is simply not the case and history proves it. take britney as an example again. remember all the crap that was flying around when she just started? how baby one more time will not be remembered in a few years? but now baby one more time is a generation defining pop classics, so is toxic and so will Hold it against me become. drop it guys. justin bieber will be a legend for those who are 12-15 now. and there’s no way that will convince them that john lennon is actually better.

  14. Damn, Dewitt must be on his period. First the Chris Brown diatribe just to show us his cock and now this. Kinda pathetic. It’s just a song. You like it or you don’t. No need for the bitchy career reviews.

  15. Although the song is very generic, Usher is still on top of the game. After all, he has had 10 number 1 hits on Billboard. There’s Chris Brown and Jason DeRulo, bith wannabe Ushers, but only one who set the tone.

  16. I like the original version of “More” better than this. I agree with Dewitt. I’m tired of EVERYONE using this techno-sounding dance mixes in their songs. Hell I feel like I need to pop some extasy and twirl glow sticks just to listen to it.

  17. Dewitt: A more important question is why are you reviewing this single now when is on its way out of the charts. I am one of the people who suggested over 6 weeks ago for the countdown. Did you run out of stuff to showcase this week and are looking into the archives? LOL

  18. “We don’t mean to be so blatantly bitchy”


    Who the hell are you trying to kid?

  19. Agree. =) Love the remix. Usher’s voice, while a bit autotuned, has an interesting appeal: especially at the beginning.

  20. Usher is just as bad as anyone on the radio. He’s among the Taio Cruz’s and Enrique’s and others.

    Just as it is with the females – Britney, Ke$ha, Katy & Rihanna. Even Gaga. People think she’s soooooo original just because she dresses crazy and acts uber-pretentious, but her music is really no different.

    Everybody is striving to be No. 1 and end up squishing together in the same category. Working with the hottest producers is all that matters. Nobody is doing what they want to do. And if an artist does what they want to do, they are essentially giving up success or any chance of getting success. That’s why the less-known bands and artists are so much better – they don’t try too hard.

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