This is an important public service announcement for all human penises! It is your favorite penis of them all, Dewitt’s Dick, and I have escaped from the Pants Prison to tell you it is imperative and utterly crucial that you stick yourselves into Tanner‘s butt. The fate of the greater world rests upon you hitting his prostate and making his sperm friends dance out of his body!
It is your destiny to penetrate Tanner the way Cameron did on a website called Sean Cody. You must surrender to destiny and probe him in such a way that will make him say “ooh” and “aah”, and he might even say something like “fuck” or “yes”… But you are a penis, and you don’t have ears, so you will not hear it! But your owner will, and it will probably make you happy like “yay”.
Thank you for listening to this announcement. I am a penis! Bye.
Photo credit: Sean Cody
Watch Cameron do what you all need to do to Tanner below:
See even more of Tanner’s great butt on a website called SEAN CODY!
Best site been a member forever
Yeah baby, pump that HIV into me!
Stupid stupid boys. testing is only good if you haven’t had sex in three months and then are tested right then. And still it’s not a lock. Are these kids so desperate for money that they allow this to happen–or have they been fed a line?
Please, when you contract the disease–and it’s a lifetime of expensive pills right now, boys–sue the asses off companies like these. I’ve seen someoone die of HIV/AIDS. It’s not always a “chronic illness.” Strides have been made, but dammit, use a fucking condom. And shame on Manhunt for promoting unsafe sexual practices.
Sorry to bring reality into fantasy.
Sue the company? You must be a personal injury lawyer. Anyone else might propose that there is such a thing as personal responsibility. Unless the models are unknowingly drugged, or raped, it would seem there is ample information about the transmission of all STDs. As they would appear to be adults, why can’t they be allowed to make their own decisions, and then held responsible for the ramifications, if any.
Dewitt’s penis #discerning dicks want to know!
Why would anyone sue SeanCody (or any porn site) if they get HIV? That’s definitely not accepting personal responsibility. If you choose to have unprotected sex with someone who is HIV+ (which is what transmits the disease, not barebacking in and of itself), then the only person you can blame is YOU. I see people jump off bridges and blow other people up on TV. Does that mean I should do that because I saw someone else do it? It’s cool, I’ll just have my relatives sue NBC so that I’m not to blame for my actions. Perhaps you should start by bringing a little consciousness into your own reality before you try and preach it to us.
I like your photo. You are cute…IF that’s really you. If not, I’ll have to retract my compliment.
Other than that, I agree with you. Sean Cody is popular. I have a couple of favorites from there. Dane #2?, Daniel #2?, Abe, Jarek, Troy #4?.
i 2nd both hehe cute pic dominic, i also love seancody am still not 100% on board with why they only BB now but hey the fellas are always hot hehe
I think sites like this promote unsafe sex, much like Bette Davis and every other Hollywood star doing ads for cigarettes in the 30s. So yeah, if the gov’t. can sue the cigarette companies for damages, they can sue these “studios” for EXACTLY the same thing. Not a lawyer, just a smart guy. Thanks for hiding behind anonymous. I won’t hide.
The difference is that the actors on TV shows are not actually in danger. The Fantasy is provided by special effects or trained stunt people, otherwise you can bet they would be sued too.
Simply because people choose to work in an unsafe environment doesn’t mean the employer is relieved of responsibility. If they were working in a factory or a construction site knowing proper safety precautions were not in place still makes the employer at fault if they sustain injury. It is the employers duty to provide a safe working environment. It’s also the principle behind the movement to ban smoking.
A great deal of the effort to ban smoking is to protect others from the effects of second-hand smoke. Is there such a thing as second-hand barebacking? I watch you fuck and your health issues are transmitted to me? People are grownups an if they want to smoke and fuck they should be able to as long as it doesn’t affect someone else.
The flaw in your logic is that you don’t know for sure who has HIV and who doesn’t it’s like watching a very slow game of Russian Roulette and snuff films are illegal.
The effort to ban smoking legally was to protect the employees – for the employers to provide a safe working environment from dangers the employees willingly accepted in in order to work but believed they shouldn’t have to endure. the fact that it also protected patrons was just a bonus. The issue here is the safety of the porn performers not the protection of those who watch and imitate.
These companies are no more promoting anything than Hollywood promotes murder in their movies. Get over it. Their bodies, their choices.
Well, the stunt people are still in danger. The only difference between that and porn is porn performers do their own stunts.
Does this mean that I can be sued for not using condoms in my monogamous relationship? If so, by whom, the government?
No, there is no flaw in the logic. Lots of people have bareback sex and that doesn’t magically generate HIV, so to say that barebacking is what causes HIV is just not true. So for someone to see that action and immediately jump to saying that HIV is being transmitted is a total projection (as knick did).
My point with the TV shows was that simply because I see someone else do something, that doesn’t mean that they are promoting it nor requiring that I do it. If I do it, it’s my personal choice. If Manhunt Daily said “We’re going to stick our heads in the sand and not present any bareback porn clips because that might make you have bareback sex”, well that would just be short-sighted. To pretend something doesn’t exist is also to deny any potential discussion about it and that really defeats the purpose of sites like this. They should be an open forum for everyone to share what is true for them even if others don’t agree. It’s all good and welcome.
It seems clear that you have some ax to grind here so go ahead. I haven’t the time nor desire to debate you on the topic any further. You’ve made your point. I’ve made mine. I’m done.
It’s a free country. People are free to make some risky choices (although not always without legal consequence – speeding, seat belts, etc.) Just because you can doesn’t mean it’s wise, but that was not my point. I was responding to the comment about Suing the companies. It’s similar to a construction worker on a sky scraper working without a harness. They may be fine, they may fall. It’s a crap shoot – just like barebacking. The employer is responsible for their safety. Stunt performers do not risk their lives or long term health routinely. They carefully orchestrate and choreograph conditions to make what appear to be risky actions reasonably safe to perform. I would just argue that HIV testing is not reasonably safe.
its all me
I agree…stop the frigging BAREBACKING DUDES, WTF???
These porno dudes go from one to another back and forth spreading diseases, hiv etc. having unsafe barebacking sex as if it’s safe BUT IT IS NOT!!!
Stop the frigging BAREBACKING DUDES, WTF???
These porno dudes go from one to another back and forth spreading diseases, hiv etc. having unsafe barebacking sex as if it’s safe BUT IT IS NOT!!!
No. That is not what it means. Tobacco companies have been sued for the value of the cost of the care that must be provided by public health systems to those harmed by the products. That has nothing to do with what sort of behavior you engage in in bed, regardless of the level of perceived risk.
No interest in seeing even a hot butt get barebacked. Unless you can prove he’s on PrEP.
Knick Everything that said is spot on THE PASSION that you are speaking with the truth that you tell I could not agree more.However the first the line was not NECESSARY ! The thought of YEAH BABY PUMP THAT HIV INTO ME ! just sends chills up and down my spine perhaps that was your intentions but I still believe in my humble opinion that the line was not NECESSARY !
Love Cameron but Tanner does absolutely NOTHING 4 me !!!
What happens if the company that conducts the test is wrong ? If a airplane goes down because of manufacture defect does that mean that the airline that is flying the plane is off the hook ? I think not !
The lack of logic on this issue is astounding. This is not rocket science. Obviously barebacking doesn’t spread HIV if it’s not present. Barebacking does absolutely spread STD’s. If HIV were present there is considerable likelihood that it would be transmitted. The obvious problem is that testing is not a completely effective way to know if it is present. It’s that simple. If we had a test that was an accurate, definitive indicator of the presence of the virus then a test would indicate a safe condition for barebacking and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. At this time we simply do not have such a test.
The Manufacturer of the test could face liability just like airplane manufacturer. The airlines are responsible for maintenance so may be liable as well depending on the determined cause of the accident, so similarly if the way in which Sean Cody stored or administered the test (or the lab they use) was deemed at fault, then they could face liability. If they knowingly (or without reasonable due diligence) employed a testing facility that was disreputable, they also could share liability.
It does not “promote”, but it “encourages”. Again this is not rocket science. Porn companies are supplying (legally but irresponsibly) a way to vicariously fantasize about the greater pleasure derived from barebacking. This is completely understandable given that barebacking, though very risky, is much more awesome. Most viewers can live with fantasy and act responsibly with their own sexual behavior. Many will not. For many people, especially those too young to remember the 80’s, the fact that most porn has moved away from modeling safe sex will allow them to either assume the risk is much lower than it is or be too enticed by the temptation. It is naive to believe that this trend will not impact the spread of the disease and negatively affect the way the gay community is viewed and how research is funded.