Am I wrong that this guy should be in a boy band? I’d start one with him, but I’m pretty sure that would make me the old, creepy, ugly one in the group by default. Eh, it’s probably for the best that it’ll never happen! The whole boy band thing would just be an excuse for us to have regular gangbangs on a tour bus. (Blargh, I really am creepy now.)
Oy! Before I get in over my head, allow me to introduce you to London-based Manhunt member leometropolitan. He describes himself as a very independent guy who’s content being single, but not opposed to a relationship if the right guy comes along. Could you, perhaps, be the right guy for him? Maybe! Head over to his profile to find out more about what he’s looking for.
– Dewitt
Check out some more painfully cute pictures of this fellow below:
Head over here to view his full profile or send him a message.
Damn I’d fancy him
Only a half-smile. Bad teeth perhaps?
Let’s see, model good looks, ripped body… if the personality matches, I’m so in!
Except that we’re separated by an ocean 🙁
meh. I like men, not boys
Hello, my name is Justin Bieber.
God damn… “I like men, not boys” again?! Fuck… I am so sick of you jerks just commenting to rip of your fellow human beings. This is a MAN, with feelings and a lifetime of experience. Give him the respect he is do, you belittling schmuck.
He’s adorable!
Cute little guy…last pic is my fave!
Love the cheekbones! Mmmm
It drives me insane when people use professionally taken photographs for their profiles. To me it screams “I’m vain, looks are everything.” That may not be true, that’s just how it comes across to me. Sure some of these guys could be aspiring models or actors using their head shots, but it still bugs me.