Learn To Love Your Perfect Imperfections, Damnit.

Tyra Banks is a ridiculous human being who constantly flip-flops and contradicts herself, but in begrudgingly following her on Twitter, I’ve learned that she’s tried to coin a new term on the latest cycle of America’s Next Top Model—“flawsome“. Yeah, I know! It’s outrageously dumb and not even hilarious enough to ironically catch on like “smize”, and yet I’ll admit, it was on my mind as I scrolled through this photo shoot of male model Simon.

As you can see with your own eyes, he’s a traditionally attractive man who could sell anything from Target sweatpants to suits by Tom Ford. He’s got a great body, a handsome face and flowing brown hair that looks like it’s right out of a shampoo commercial. One might even call him “perfect”.

And yet, for whatever reason, he’s actively showcasing his “imperfections” in this shoot. The photographer hasn’t tried to hide his appendectomy scar, the birthmark on his left shoulder, the tufts of hair on his ass or the fact that his skin isn’t one-hundred percent impeccable. We’re so used to seeing Photoshopped “perfection” in the media that this has somehow become the exception, and I’ve got to say, I fucking love every bit of it.

Some of us want to be sold a fantasy, and some of us fantasize about people who aren’t “perfect”. You might hate your big nose, your extremely hairy ass or your tiny dick, while someone else might see it and think it’s the most appealing thing about you. As gay men—or human beings for that matter—most of us struggle with body issues or problems centered around our appearance. Unfortunately, none of us can flip an “off” switch and stop feeling insecure altogether. We just have to learn to love or tolerate what makes us unique, and find others who are willing to do the same for us.

And that concludes your monthly dose of sappy, overly sentimental bullshit from me! Now, if you’ll excuse me, there are some buttholes, gangbangs and big hard dicks that I have to write about…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Michael Del Buono

Appreciate a surprisingly untouched shoot of male model Simon below:

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Simon by Michael Del Buono

Check out even more of this shoot at Image Amplified.



male model

12 thoughts on “Learn To Love Your Perfect Imperfections, Damnit.

  1. Well…….when you’re that fucking gorgeous, a birthmark, appendectomy scar, and a few wayward tufts of hair – sort of become beauty marks. Humans are flawed in various ways and if a few slightly physical imperfections are the only “flaws” this lovely to look at man has – then he’s very fortunate, indeed!

  2. If this guy feels “insecure” because of his scar or his birthmark, he seriously needs mental help. Yes, he’s not Photoshopped, but to use a guy who looks like this as an example for the rest of us to accept our normal bodies isn’t exactly the best motivation.
    Your tiara’s too heavy? Cry me a river.

  3. Let me preface this by saying this whole scenario is just random talk Dewitt rambled to preface these pics.
    But I stand by my comment. This man meets just about every objective definition/qualification of traditional male beauty. If he were to not consider himself attractive simply because of his small birthmark and scar, not realizing that he is more attractive overall than 99.9% of the population, then yes, I would say that he has serious body image issues that could use professional assistance in overcoming.

  4. He still has a right to self consciousnesses despite being told he’s attractive. It’s still not up to anyone to hammer it out of him. He’s allowed his feelings without need of being told he needs mental help for it.

  5. I do not know if there such a thing as a perfect human being but this guy is as close to perfection as any man should ever have the right to be !

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