I love interviews. It’s an excuse to ask reasonable people crazy questions and then laugh quietly about their answers.
Or just to learn a little bit more about people you already like or admire. And there’s plenty of blogs doing great, in-depth, “tell me about your v impt work with puppies and nuns and house-bound lepers,” interviews. The Sword does killer long-form interviews sometimes that are totally worth your reading time.
But here at MHD, we’re trying something new. I’ve developed the Manhunt Daily version of the Pivot Questionnaire (which was originally based on the Proust Questionnaire – you may know it from Inside the Actor’s Studio) and it’s just 7 questions about the important stuff – favorite words, turn ons/offs, plans, other jobs, masturbation habits, and negativity. None of this is set in stone though, so if you have a Lipton-style question you think we should ask, put it in the comments!
First up for the 7Q‘s is Falcon Exclusive Bravo Delta! I couldn’t think of a better start to this new interview since BD is one of the more thoughtful, nerdy, self-analytical adult performers working today. And his answers here do not disappoint. As I told Bravo, picture me as James Lipton asking these questions. Let’s get started:
1. What is your favorite word? Your least favorite?
My favorite word is probably “spoopy”; used in a sentence – er, I mean phrase: “3spoopy5me” or “Too spoopy to live, too creppy to die.” My least favorite word is pedagogical; as it popped up in a Francophone Film course I took while we were analyzing Entre Les Murs. I’m fairly certain less than 50% of the class knew what it meant (it was new to me too, but I at least Googled it), and a good chunk of that 50% used it in the completely wrong context, yet the professor just rolled with it.
2. What turns you on, physically, creatively or emotionally?
Physically, just rub my crotch and lick my armpits. Works 90% of the time. Or being in bed with another person… actually, being in bed at all- probably because I always sleep naked. Creatively? Probably video game soundtracks; I’ve done some of my best design and coding work listening to Final Fantasy soundtracks and such. Emotionally? Organization, but also spontaneity? I don’t know, I tend to think I have a very limited spectrum of emotions and that not much goes on there.
3. What turns you off?
Old WiFi routers, bad network configurations, constant questions and interruptions, cold and damp atmospheric conditions, thirstiness in more than one sense… the list could go on with inane things like this, but I’ll stop.
4. What’s your long-term plan? In ten years? In 20?
I need to decide which job to take when I leave my current job, then I’ll have that somewhat figured out. Actually, maybe I should just quit everything and go into freelance app development and see where that gets me. Although one of my random ideas was to go back to school for mortuary science; it’s an in-demand thing.
5. What profession, other than your own, would you love to try?
Broadcast media production. It was my thing in high school, but I gave it up for engineering and such. Okay, maybe mortuary science too. I was never too bothered by the smell of formaldehyde in bio labs.
6. When you’re home alone, and masturbating without an audience or partner, what’s your guilty secret porn?
Depends on my mood. Usually I don’t even use porn. If I do, maybe it’s some random home made clip on xtube that has at least some form of production value.
7. How do you handle all the negativity that comes the way of adult performers? Any advice on that for others?
You initially try to talk some sense into people, then you end up like me- you stop taking everything so seriously and just combat it with wit and sarcasm because you got to the point where you don’t really care and hope that their close-mindedness and typical stupidity will get them back in another way. Wow, that was quite the run-on sentence.
I like him more now, if that’s possible.
Who do you want to see answer the MHD 7Q?
Great questions & great answers.
More Delta dick please.
You have the wit of James Lipton, but thankfully much, much cuter.