Your Daily Dose of WTF

We interrupt your regularly scheduled jerk-off material for some pictures of cats in hats. Yup, we’re posting more pictures of pussy! Because we know how much you love that. In all seriousness, these shots from the Cat Fashion Show are pretty hilarious… until you realize that ninety percent of the kitties look fucking miserable.

Initially, your reaction is somewhere along the lines of “Aww”. Then you’re overcome with the urge to bludgeon these cats’ owners for submitting them to such ridiculousness. Wait, but then there’s an Edward Cullen cat! After witnessing such a sight? All the negative feelings fly out the window…

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Katie Sokoler/Gothamist

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20 thoughts on “Your Daily Dose of WTF

  1. I fucking HATE… no detest pictures of cats…
    People go insane, like the whole LOLcats bullshit or AFV whenever cats go on… It’s sad that some grown woment ogle over kittens more than their own damn children


  2. Wow Andy23, angry much? 😉

    I have to agree with Dewitt, I think the cats’ owners should be killed. Those cats looked PISSED. I wouldn’t be surprised if those cats murdered their humans in their sleep.

  3. I’m sorry, but the 4th one down looks like the Cat version of Edward Cullen… If only he was sparkling…

  4. as a cat i can only imagine what they are thinking, and that is fuck my life.

    except for a couple, all of them would rather be feasting off of the missery of the human who put them in those get ups.

  5. yup—freaky, sad, and cruel.
    the one with the purple crown is definitely plotting to trip it’s owner at the top of a very tall, and steep staircase… then eat their face.

  6. if anyone thinks a hairless cat shouldnt be covered up (with anything) then i would question their state of mind.

  7. Oh come it is not as if they are being tortured or used to test cosmetics. The reason they are so funny is because you would make the same face if someone were to dress up like that.

  8. Poor animals, suffering such humiliation.
    And people who invest that kind of money for something so useless, they’re repugnant. Give those money to the SPCA or go feed a homeless animal yourself.

  9. Oh, Michael and gia! Get a life!!! Like these cats KNOW what humiliation really is! Geez! I’m sure you both are for abortion tho…

  10. The funniest one is the 7th one down where the cat is wearing purple bejeweled hat with the collar. He looks soo miserable haha!

    Now the third one from the bottom with the headpiece on looks like he is actually having a good time.

    imo, it’s nowhere near abuse. if their owners spend time/effort/money on these animals costumes, then i’m pretty sure they spend just as much time taking care of them and caring for them. point is; these animals are not being abused.

    why people find these pictures funny is because cats are such serious and solitary animals so the idea of them dressed up in a ridiculous costume makes some people laugh.

  11. This call was placed at PETA hotline by one of the kitties. “Hello Pamela Anderson. Anybody is there? Anyone there at PETA HQ? Help me please”… Nobody at PETA hotline replied to the call.

  12. Dewitt, this liking of yours for cats worries me…

    You may end up a crazy cat lady.


    These are fricken creepy. I hate cats. And I completely agree with you on the fact that these lot seem pissed off…. but who cares? They’re cats. =\

  13. psh, these cats aren’t angry, they’re just putting on the fierce modeling face!

    however, i haz a white hat cat is probably the best lolcat possibility other then mad king king probably.

  14. Its frickin’ HIGHlarious!People,get a clue.The owners obviously love their pussies.They pay them attention.These cats have homes,so let it go,and I seriously agree,#7 is rocking the modelling face!Work that Blue Steel look,kittie!

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