You Just Know Pastor Sean Is Sucking Cock After Bible Class

LOL this bitch (the one on the left). Sean Harris is the pastor of Glensford, North Carolina’s Berean Baptist Church. He recently gave his congregation a sermon in which he urged fathers to punch their sons if they see them acting effeminate. And if they have a “limp wrist”? “Crack that wrist.” Does this crazy motherfucker have kids? If so, DSS needs to be keeping an eye on the Harris household. His fucking son might mention he likes Glee and Pastor Sean will shoot him.

A recording of his sermon went viral yesterday. Here’s the scariest bit:

So your little son starts to act a little girlish when he is four years old and instead of squashing that like a cockroach and saying, ‘Man up, son, get that dress off you and get outside and dig a ditch, because that is what boys do,’ you get out the camera and you start taking pictures of Johnny acting like a female and then you upload it to YouTube and everybody laughs about it and the next thing you know, this dude, this kid is acting out childhood fantasies that should have been squashed….Can I make it any clearer? Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch. Ok? You are not going to act like that. You were made by God to be a male and you are going to be a male.

Imagine being a gay or lesbian child sitting in that church when this probably closeted asshole starts in with this? Imagine if you’re transgender? I don’t profess to be religious, but I was raised Catholic and I don’t necessarily recall the part where Jesus tells his Apostles to punch effeminate children.  No offense, but organized religion isn’t always our friend. Especially when pinheads like Sean here start interpreting it because they’re insecure about their hidden need to blow guys.

He issued a non-apology, but followed it up with “I do stand by is that the word of God makes it clear that effeminate behavior is ungodly. I’m not going to compromise on that.”

Anyone in the increasingly insane state of North Carolina who needs to get the fuck out is welcome to camp out at the Manhunt offices here in Boston until you find a place.

– J. Harvey

To listen to this mess, Follow the JUMP:

31 thoughts on “You Just Know Pastor Sean Is Sucking Cock After Bible Class

  1. I just moved from Raleigh to Fort Lauderdale with out a job because i wanted to get out!! lol

  2. Wasn’t Jesus considered to be a little bit, uh, sensitive and effeminate, to say the least?

  3. Yikes. I’m thankful my dad was man enough to buy me barbies for my birthdays. I was blessed with wonderfully accepting parents.

  4. Baptist preachers have been sucking my cock for years. One was a regular for about ten years, but no more. I don’t feed Baptists or republicans,knowingly.

  5. Um…I am thinking social services need to visit this person who obviously supports unwarranted child abuse!

  6. So he’s saying it’s OK to be gay so long as you’re butch?  I have a Leather friend I’d LOVE for him to meet.  The love of Christ is not in this man.

  7. And even sadder is that his congregation, laughing, actually listen and believe his ignorant, hateful, spew. You know his is on CL.

  8. Yeah for you and making the world aware just how idiotic this asshole is.  I’d like to get HIM in a dress and break his wrists.  Wonder just how full HIS ‘closet’ is. 
    And IMHO, thank you for offering up a place to stay if they need out.

  9. Where is the contact information for this back-alley cock-sucker? Cut to him getting caught by the cops in a park somewhere for blowing young guys… extremely manly of course.. What happens when he’s crying in his jail cell? Do the cops punch him and tell him to man up?

  10. Aaah someone thinks he’s a total top…

    I’ll bet his profile would read “down to earth, masc.  no fems.”  I bet he’d say VGL too.

    (i kid)

  11. What’s  really sad is that so many people who are supposedly “Christians” will sit there and applaud him for his hateful, misguided sermon and feel good about their own prejudices and intolerance.   I agree with Matthew Clemons’ comments.  This pastor reminds me of Senator Larry Craig.  Preach the hate and intolerance and then go tap dancing in the airport restroom, hoping that one of these masculine young men he keeps obsessing about will come in and drop his pants.    Those who protest the loudest are often the most repressed closet cases on earth.

    He actually has a  Baptist Academy!  He is helping to form young kids to be just like him.  Isn’t THAT reassuring!     Take a look at  what he has to say.  But WARNING:  Have a pail nearby in case you vomit.   His  email address is available for those who may wish to contact him.

  12. A very sad state of affairs, and so hateful. The world does not need this type of attitude nor puffed-up preachers spouting words inciting hatred, can anyone say this is what bullies are made of?

  13. I actually just listened to 30 seconds of that.

    Uh…squashing it like a cockroach.  Doesn’t he know that roaches always come back?

    I can only hope that he doesn’t have children. 

  14. Assuming there is a God, this “pastor” will be sent to Hell for eternity.

  15. yeah, living in NC ins’t that bad sometimes. but its scary to know that i’m in the same state as this guy. like, what if i ran into him somewhere? he would probably shoot me 

  16. You know? Shit like this pisses me off. I’m sorry, but this right here shows you what “organized religion” (everyone calls it “organized religion”, I call it “dumb ignorant people who are full of the Devil themselves”) really is. I grew up in a Independent Fundamental Baptist Church all my life, and this is the kind of crap they do all the time. People actually think and live this way. ALL BASED ON SOME STUPID BOOK!!!!!! This is why there so many problems in the world right now, both economically, and politically. Sometimes you’ll even hear from them saying that this country is gonna turn to communism because we’re supposedly doing socialism. I don’t care what they think, but all I know is that most of those bible thumbers that hate all sinful people (which is pretty much 99% of us) do not have any good education. They’re like a bunch of cave men. All they know what to do in life is to attack people or animals. Personally, I would like to see Lady Gaga beat the ever living homophobia out of Pastor Sean and every other dumbass who wants to attack the LGBT community(Hell, she already sang “Born This Way” lol). And don’t mean a slap in the face or singing either. In real sense, the government needs to start cracking down on churches who encourage any sort of crime. Yes there is religious freedom in this country, BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE ANYONE ANY RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE TO DO ANY CRIME WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you see, as long as there is Republicans and Conservatives in Congress and other people strongly influencing our communities in the wrong way, our problems and equality will always be fought down at all costs no matter what. That is what selfish assholes like Pastor Sean here do for a living. They’re ignorant. They’re dumb. And they really don’t have a clue how the real world works. Over the years, I have noticed that people who abuse have also been abused themselves. Because they have been done wrong when they were kids, they think, when growing up, it’s ok to do crimes, when in reality it’s never ok. I will say this. After being attacked relentlessly by homophobes, churches, politicians, the uneducated and others, I AM PROUD OF WHO I AM AND WHAT I HAVE BECOME!!!!!!!!! What doesn’t kill ME makes ME stronger.

  17.  I’d pay to see this bastard chained to a St. Andrew’s cross and whipped bloody.

  18. This is 2012, wtf, from what I hear a lot of the carolinas harbor ignorant people like this, I know while he’s preaching hate he is sucking dick at truck stops, and i bet his wrist is a little limp all the while

  19. These are the same neanderthals that tie black men to the back of their truck and drag them for miles down an asphalt road,to prove they are men, all the while fantasizing and watching black gay porn on their computers, and when they are sentenced to life we have to foot the bill to keep them in protective custody so they wont be raped and murdered, i say let em have at it

  20. “GOD makes it clear that effeminate behavior is ungodly”.  Really?  When did GOD say that?

    This man needs to be permanently barred from ever speaking in public because he believes that physically abusing children is a solution for anything. Perhaps someone will physically abuse him…I dunno like maybe they’ll “rape the gay into him”. Fun!


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