We’re Still Tweaking It!

If you’ve popped into the site this week at all, you may have noticed that things don’t look quite like they have for the last six years. We’re in the middle of a total overhaul and while we’ve hit a few bumps in the road, it’s gonna be excellent once it’s all finished!
We’re back to normal posting tomorrow, even if the doors aren’t on the car yet. In the meantime, looking for that header graphic brought these important updates to my MaleNipples.gif folder and I will gladly accept any submissions to said folder via email:




Stay tuned, everybody!

– tyler

4 thoughts on “We’re Still Tweaking It!

  1. I secretly like it when people notice my hard nipples and then start playing with them. They’re always hard though. I don’t understand.

    As long as I can still comment and post GIFs, then I’m okay with the Manhunt Daily changes.

  2. GOD, there is TOO MUCH WHITE on the screen. I’m going BLIND! Please change the background back to the grey or something similar. But please make the print dark so it’s more easily read against the background.

  3. I quite like the new look, and as pecs and nipples are one of my favourite things on a man I approve this post

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